Looking for the perfect blend of style, functionality, and durability in your heating control solutions? Our collection of thermostats and programmable thermostats is exactly what you need. Crafted from high-quality materials, these devices not only stand the test of time but also elevate the aesthetic of any space, making them a great fit for both private residences and professional environments.
Imagine a thermostat that seamlessly blends modern design with top-notch technology, offering precision and comfort without compromising on style. Our products are easy to maintain, ensuring that you can focus on enjoying your space rather than worrying about upkeep. Plus, their robust construction means you are investing in a long-lasting solution, helping you save on energy costs in the long run.
Safety is paramount, and our thermostats are equipped with the latest features to ensure your peace of mind. Reducing energy waste while enhancing your comfort has never been this effortless.
Don’t miss the chance to upgrade your environment with our elegant and functional thermostats. Invest in a high-quality product that guarantees a secure purchase, fast delivery, and reliable after-sales support. Act now and transform your space into a haven of comfort and style—shop today and experience the difference for yourself!
Perry Weekly Wall Clock Thermostat Perry-1CRCR309-S
Perry 1crcr309-s Weekly Analogue Digital Chronothermostat White Colour 3v Easy 2 Inch Lcd Display 2/3 Temperature Set Adjustment Shown On The Display 2 Temperature And Antifreeze Levels Perry Weekly Wall-mounted Chronothermostat White Colour
Price List
Eur. 83,01
Price MPCshop
Eur. 65,64
1306 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 5 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1CRCR309-S
Perry weekly analogue digital chronothermostat with power supply 3V - 2x1.5V AA alkaline Autonomy 24 months Perry chronothermostat with 2\ Weekly digital chronothermostat with temperature lock Weekly chronothermostat Perry Temperature set adjustment shown on the display DIGITAL CHRONOTHERMOSTAT FOR WALLS Colour white
Perry 1crcr309 s Weekly Chronothermostat With Temperature Set Control White
chronothermostat weekly made italy wall batteries digital white block temperature display lcd autonomy 24 months
Customers Reviews Perry Perry-1CRCR309-S
Giovanni L Data: 11-December-2018 Among its most welcome features we find the possibility of cashing it slightly, if we already have a wall box. In addition, the practical slide switch allows you to choose between automatic mode (programmed) or manual mode: comfort, night or antifreeze. The smallest time interval that can be set is half an hour. The most critical aspect, perhaps, is the visibility of the liquid crystal display, which at certain angles is not clearly visible.
Paolo N Data: 17-November-2016 Excellent price for a mid-range product, materials a bit light but overall satisfactory. Excellent programming system that is easy and intuitive. Its installation on the wall is easy but I suggest to be careful when disassembling it because it could break some internal plastic elements. For those who want to use it as a remote control, I do not recommend it because the action of detachment from the support is contrasted but not impossible. Overall I am very satisfied.
Ludovico Data: 13-January-2016 arrived intact and very fast as from delivery first; very easy to install (they are two wires and two screws) booklet attached with clear instructions and in Italian, a bit cumbersome to program but also a sprint understood easy to replicate. he also asked the boiler technician who came to do the annual maintenance who told me that these here generally go very well, just do not \"fiddle too much\".
Weekly Perry 1CRCR309 S wall mounted analogical digital chronothermostat White colour 3V EASY LCD display 2 inches 2/3 Temperature set adjustment on display 2 temperature levels and antifreeze 5°C fixed Power supply 2 alkaline batteries 1.5V AA Chronothermostat made in Italy weekly
CHRONOTHERMOSTAT BY WALL SERIES EASY Analogical digital weekly 3V EASY series chronothermostat
Chronothermostat with batteries with 3V - 2x1 power supply.5V AA alkaline Display Lcd 2 2/3 Output 1 potential-free deviation contact: 5(3)A/250V AC On/Off operation with adjustable differential from 0.3/0.5/0.7/0.9°C or modulating with control period 7/10/15/20 min Temperature set adjustment shown on the display Temperature level 2 antifreeze fixed at 5°C Autonomy 24 months Minimum programming 30 minutes Permanent manual operation Total OFF function Temperature block Temperature control input Adjustment range 5 - 37.7°C White color Dimensions (LxWxH) 121.5 x 31.5 x 82
TECHNICAL DATA Power supply voltage: No. 2 alkaline batteries Stylus 1.5 V type AA (LR6) batteries recommended DURACELL or ENERGIZER batteries Autonomy: 2 years Autonomy after switching on low battery symbol: 1 month Type of action, disconnection and device: 1 / BU / Electronic Software: class A Type of output: relay with potential-free NO / COM / NC changeover contact - max 8(2)A / 250 Vac Wire section at relay terminals: 0.75 ÷ 2.5 mmq Telephone programmer input: for potential-free NO contact Wire section at telephone programmer terminals: 0,5 ÷ 1,5 mmq Isolation type: class II Protection degree: IP 30 N° programmable indexes on the watch crown: 48 Minimum time programmable with rider keys: 1/2 h Pollution degree: Normal Comfort/Reduction temperature adjustment scale: 5 ÷ 30 °C Temperature regulation accuracy: /- 1 °C Room temperature display scale: 0 ÷ 50 °C Set antifreeze temperature: 5 °C Operating temperature limits: 0 ÷ 50 °C Storage temperature limits: -20 ÷ 65 °C Thermal gradient: max 1K / 15 min.
Type of temperature regulation: - ON-OFF operation with differential settable at 0.3 - 0.5 - 0.7 - 0.9 °C - Proportional operation with time cycles that can be set 7-10-15-20 minutes
Clock accuracy: /- 1 sec/dd Reference standards for CE marking: - LVD EN60730-2-7 - EN60730-2-9 - EMC EN60730-2-7 - EN60730-2-9
Weekly chronothermostat made in Italy Perry 1CRCR309S Perry 1CRCR309/S
Perry 1crcr309-s Weekly Analogue Digital Chronothermostat White Colour 3v Easy 2 Inch Lcd Display 2/3 Temperature Set Adjustment Shown On The Display 2 Temperature And Antifreeze Levels Perry Weekly Wall-mounted Chronothermostat White Colour
Price List
Eur. 83,01
Price MPCshop
Eur. 65,64
1306 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 5 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1CRCR309-S
Perry weekly analogue digital chronothermostat with power supply 3V - 2x1.5V AA alkaline Autonomy 24 months Perry chronothermostat with 2\ Weekly digital chronothermostat with temperature lock Weekly chronothermostat Perry Temperature set adjustment shown on the display DIGITAL CHRONOTHERMOSTAT FOR WALLS Colour white
Data: 11-dicembre-2018 Tra le sue più gradite caratteristiche troviamo la possibilità di incassarlo leggermente, se già si dispone di una scatola a muro. Inoltre, il pratico commutatore a slitta, consente di scegliere tra la modalità automatica (programmata) oppure la modalità manuale: confort , notte o antigelo. L'intervallo temporale più piccolo impostabile è mezzora.
L'aspetto più criticabile, forse, la visibilità del display a cristalli liquidi, che a certe inclinazioni non è ben visibile.
Data: 17-novembre-2016 Ottimo prezzo per un prodotto di fascia media, materiali un po'leggeri ma nel complesso soddisfacente. Eccellente il sistema di programmazione che risulta facile ed intuitivo. La sua installazione a parete risulta facile ma consiglio attenzione nello smontaggio perché si potrebbe rompere qualche elemento plastico interno. Per chi vuole usarlo come telecomando a distanza, lo sconsiglio perché l'azione di distacco dal supporto a miro risulta contrastata ma non impossibile. Nel complesso sono molto soddisfatto.
Data: 13-gennaio-2022 arrivato integro e velocissimo come da consegna prime; molto facile da istallare ( son due fili e due viti ) libretto allegato con istruzioni chiare ed in Italiano, un po macchinoso da programmare ma anch'esso una volata capito facile da replicare.
ha chiesto anche al tecnico della caldaia che mi è venuto a fare la manutenzione annuale il quale mi ha detto che questi qui in genere vanno benissimo, basta non " smanettarci troppo "
Cronotermostato analogico digitale settimanale Perry 1CRCR309 S da parete Colore bianco 3V EASY Display LCD 2 pollici 2/3 Regolazione set temperatura visualizzata sul display 2 livelli temperatura e antigelo 5°C fisso Alimentazione 2 pile alcaline 1.5V AA Cronotermostato fatto in italia settimanale
CRONOTERMOSTATO DA PARETE SERIE EASY Cronotermostato analogico digitale settimanale 3V serie EASY
Cronotermostato a batterie con alimentazione 3V – 2x1.5V AA alkaline Display Lcd 2” 2/3 Uscita 1 contatto in deviazione libero da potenziale: 5(3)A/250V c.a. Funzionamento ON/OFF con differenziale regolabile da 0.3/0.5/0.7/0.9°C o modulante con periodo di controllo 7/10/15/20 min Regolazione set di temperatura visualizzata sul display Livelli temperatura 2 + antigelo fisso a 5°C Autonomia 24 mesi Programmazione minima 30 minuti Funzionamento manuale permanente Funzione OFF totale Blocco delle temperature Ingresso comando telefonico Campo di regolazione 5 - 37,7°C Colore bianco Dimensioni (LxPxH) 121.5 x 31.5 x 82
DATI TECNICI Tensione di alimentazione: n° 2 pile alcaline Stilo 1,5 V tipo AA (LR6) consigliate pile DURACELL o ENERGIZER Autonomia: 2 anni Autonomia dall’accensione del simbolo pile scariche: 1 mese Tipo di azione, disconnessione ed apparecchio: 1 / BU / Elettronico Software: classe A Tipo di uscita: a relè con contatto in scambio NA / COM / NC libero da potenziale - max 8(2)A / 250 Vac Sezione dei fili ai morsetti relè: 0,75 ÷ 2,5 mmq Ingresso per programmatore telefonico: per contatto NA libero da potenziale Sezione dei fili ai morsetti programmatore telefonico: 0,5 ÷ 1,5 mmq Tipo di isolamento: classe II Grado di protezione: IP 30 N° indici programmabili sulla corona dell’orologio: 48 Tempo minimo programmabile con tasti “cavaliere”: 1/2 h Grado inquinamento: Normale Scala regolazione temperatura Comfort/Riduzione: 5 ÷ 30 °C Precisione di regolazione della temperatura: +/- 1 °C Scala di visualizzazione temperatura ambiente: 0 ÷ +50 °C Temperatura antigelo fissa: +5 °C Limiti della temperatura di funzionamento: 0 ÷ +50 °C Limiti della temperatura di stoccaggio: -20 ÷ +65 °C Gradiente termico: max 1K / 15 min.
Tipo di regolazione della temperatura: - Funzionamento ON-OFF con differenziale impostabile a 0,3 - 0,5 - 0,7 - 0,9 °C - Funzionamento proporzionale con cicli di tempo impostabili 7-10-15-20 minuti
White Perry battery-powered wall-mounted thermostat 3V battery-powered 3V battery-powered 3V battery-powered white Perry battery-powered white Perry battery-powered 3V battery-powered white Perry thermostat with Weekly, Winter-Summer programming 3 tempera
Perry-1CRCR028A Chronothermostat For Anthracite Wall
Perry Battery-powered Anthracite Wall Thermostat Battery-powered 3v Battery-powered Cheap Weekly Chronothermostat With Winter-summer Programming 3 Temperature Levels With User And Installer Password Luminous Display And Menu Navigation
White Wall Clock Thermostat 230v Power Supply Digital Clock Thermostat Luminous Display And Menu Navigation Weekly, Winter / Summer 3 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Input For Remote Contact Mpcshop Good And Cheap Perry
Black Wall Clock Thermostat 230v Power Supply Digital Clock Thermostat Luminous Display And Menu Navigation Weekly, Winter / Summer 3 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Input For Remote Contact Mpcshop Good And Cheap Perry
Perry-1CRCR018BS Perry White Wall Clock Thermostat
Wall Clock Thermostat Weekly Digital Up And Down Compact Easy Perry 1crcr018bs Factory Pre-programmed User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 Power Supply 3v With 2 Batteries Chronothermostat At a Good Price White
Weekly Wall-mounted Digital Chronothermostat Up And Down Compact Easy Perry 1crcr018as Anthracite Factory Pre-programmed Chronothermostat Perry User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 3v Power Supply With 2 Batteries
Perry-1CRCR017BG Good And Cheap Chronothermostat Perry
Daily White Digital Wall Clock Thermostat Up And Down Compact Easy Good And Cheap Clock Thermostat Perry 1crcr017bg White Factory Pre-programmed User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes 4 Inch Lcd Display 1/2 3v Power Supply
Wall Clock Thermostat Daily Digital Up And Down Good And Cheap Chronothermostat Compact Easy Perry 1crcr017ag Color Anthracite Preprogrammed At The Factory User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 Power Supply 3v
Perry-1CRCR308-G White Wall Clock Thermostat With Batteri
Perry 1crcr308-g Daily Analogue Digital Chronothermostat White Colour 3v Easy Lcd Display 2 Inches 2/3 Temperature Set Adjustment Shown On The Display 2 Temperature And Antifreeze Levels Perry Daily Wall-mounted Chronothermostat White
White Perry battery-powered wall-mounted thermostat 3V battery-powered 3V battery-powered 3V battery-powered white Perry battery-powered white Perry battery-powered 3V battery-powered white Perry thermostat with Weekly, Winter-Summer programming 3 tempera
Perry-1CRCR028A Chronothermostat For Anthracite Wall
Perry Battery-powered Anthracite Wall Thermostat Battery-powered 3v Battery-powered Cheap Weekly Chronothermostat With Winter-summer Programming 3 Temperature Levels With User And Installer Password Luminous Display And Menu Navigation
White Wall Clock Thermostat 230v Power Supply Digital Clock Thermostat Luminous Display And Menu Navigation Weekly, Winter / Summer 3 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Input For Remote Contact Mpcshop Good And Cheap Perry
Black Wall Clock Thermostat 230v Power Supply Digital Clock Thermostat Luminous Display And Menu Navigation Weekly, Winter / Summer 3 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Input For Remote Contact Mpcshop Good And Cheap Perry
Perry-1CRCR018BS Perry White Wall Clock Thermostat
Wall Clock Thermostat Weekly Digital Up And Down Compact Easy Perry 1crcr018bs Factory Pre-programmed User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 Power Supply 3v With 2 Batteries Chronothermostat At a Good Price White
Weekly Wall-mounted Digital Chronothermostat Up And Down Compact Easy Perry 1crcr018as Anthracite Factory Pre-programmed Chronothermostat Perry User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 3v Power Supply With 2 Batteries
Perry-1CRCR017BG Good And Cheap Chronothermostat Perry
Daily White Digital Wall Clock Thermostat Up And Down Compact Easy Good And Cheap Clock Thermostat Perry 1crcr017bg White Factory Pre-programmed User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes 4 Inch Lcd Display 1/2 3v Power Supply
Wall Clock Thermostat Daily Digital Up And Down Good And Cheap Chronothermostat Compact Easy Perry 1crcr017ag Color Anthracite Preprogrammed At The Factory User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 Power Supply 3v
Perry-1CRCR308-G White Wall Clock Thermostat With Batteri
Perry 1crcr308-g Daily Analogue Digital Chronothermostat White Colour 3v Easy Lcd Display 2 Inches 2/3 Temperature Set Adjustment Shown On The Display 2 Temperature And Antifreeze Levels Perry Daily Wall-mounted Chronothermostat White
Perry-1CRCR309-SPerry Weekly Wall Clock Thermostat Perry 1crcr309-s Weekly Analogue Digital Chronothermostat White Colour 3v Easy 2 Inch Lcd Display 2/3 Temperature Set Adjustment Shown On The Display 2 Temperature And Antifreeze Levels Perry Weekly Wall-mounted Chronothermostat White Colour white
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