Looking for the perfect blend of style, functionality, and durability in your heating control solutions? Our collection of thermostats and programmable thermostats is exactly what you need. Crafted from high-quality materials, these devices not only stand the test of time but also elevate the aesthetic of any space, making them a great fit for both private residences and professional environments.
Imagine a thermostat that seamlessly blends modern design with top-notch technology, offering precision and comfort without compromising on style. Our products are easy to maintain, ensuring that you can focus on enjoying your space rather than worrying about upkeep. Plus, their robust construction means you are investing in a long-lasting solution, helping you save on energy costs in the long run.
Safety is paramount, and our thermostats are equipped with the latest features to ensure your peace of mind. Reducing energy waste while enhancing your comfort has never been this effortless.
Don’t miss the chance to upgrade your environment with our elegant and functional thermostats. Invest in a high-quality product that guarantees a secure purchase, fast delivery, and reliable after-sales support. Act now and transform your space into a haven of comfort and style—shop today and experience the difference for yourself!
Perry Perry White Wall Clock Thermostat Perry-1CRCR028B
White Perry battery-powered wall-mounted thermostat 3V battery-powered 3V battery-powered 3V battery-powered white Perry battery-powered white Perry battery-powered 3V battery-powered white Perry thermostat with Weekly, Winter-Summer programming 3 tempera
Price List
Eur. 161,04
Price MPCshop
Eur. 102,1
1289 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 5 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1CRCR028B
DIGITAL CHRONOTHERMOSTAT LIGHT DISPLAY AND MENU NAVIGATION Wall installation Battery powered (2x 1.5dc LR6-AA) Weekly, Winter / Summer 3 levels of antifreeze temperature Remote contact input Input for remote temperature probe
Perry 1crcr028b Battery Wall Thermostat With Weekly Programming White
chronothermostat white battery white digital weekly winter summer display light menu navigation wall installation
Customers Reviews Perry Perry-1CRCR028B
Veronica Data: 10 January 2020 I used to have another white chronothermostat from Perry, it worked for me for over 10 years. I bought this Perry 1CRCR028B trusting the brand. Great purchase, maximum support on mpcshop, no problem so far!
Mario Data: 13 December 2019 Very precise, I adjusted it with 0.2 c° hysteresis, it works very well. Machinery to change the daily schedule and copy it for the whole week.
Donato Data: 4 April 2020 I liked the design of the product, while I didn't really like the graphics used in the display. I used it as a replacement for another chronothermostat that I was not satisfied with.
Perry 1CRCR028B battery-powered digital wall thermostat for white wall 1CRCR028B Battery-powered 3V Good and economical weekly chronothermostat with weekly programming, Winter - Summer 3 antifreeze temperature levels with user and installer password. Bright display and menu navigation
II Weekly chronothermostat, suitable for all heating and/or cooling systems, has a clear backlit display to keep all its functions under control in real time. The Chronothermostat is pre-programmed in the factory for a defined standard operation, therefore, immediately after the connection to the user to be controlled, the insertion of the batteries and the compulsory setting of the date, current time and confirmation of the automatic solar/legal time change (EURO = Italy and Central Europe zone UTC 1) is ready for immediate use, displaying date, current time, standard thermal/time profile in Winter (heating) mode. Ease of use through menu navigation is the main feature, in fact, despite the completeness of its functions, it is very easy to use. In its permanent memory are already set 2 winter and 2 summer programs with 3 antifreeze temperature levels designed to offer maximum comfort, but it takes just a few seconds to change them and choose the desired temperatures throughout the day (even every 30 minutes!) and for every day of the week. The factory-fitted chronothermostat adjusts the temperature in Differential ON/OFF mode and the hysteresis can be set from 0.2°C to 1.2°C to adapt to the thermal inertia of your specific system - alternatively you can select the operation in Proportional modulating mode with adjustable duration cycles (from 7 to 20 minutes): this system allows to keep the desired temperature more stable, increasing the feeling of comfort for the user and is particularly suitable for systems with high thermal inertia such as, for example, for underfloor radiant panels. The set temperature scale is in degrees Centigrade (Celsius) with the possibility to calibrate the measurement of the room temperature by setting a correction value (from -3 to 3 °C) - passing to Fahrenheit degrees all temperature displays are updated according to the new scale. To the chronothermostat it is possible to connect a separate remote temperature probe (optional) and then set it according to your system needs: remote, floor, outdoor. Particular attention has been paid to energy saving: the temporary or permanent manual forcing with temperature SET autonomous from the current weekly program, the holiday program, the suspension for domestic cleaning, the optional block of the set temperatures (MAX/MIN), the adjustable antifreeze temperature value, the control through an external contact (example telephone programmer as an option), allow to avoid energy waste with consequent economic saving
MAIN FEATURES Multilingual menu 3V - 2x1 power supply.5V AA alkaline Lcd 4.3 backlit display Backlit buttons Potential free deviation 1 contact output: 5(3)A/250Vac.a. On/Off operation with differential adjustable from 0.2 - 1.2°C or modulating with control period from 7 - 20 min 4 preset programs that can be modified Temperature levels 3 antifreeze Automatic manual temperature Adjustable temperature for set of 0.1°C Minimum 30 min Permanent / temporary manual operation Automatic daylight saving time change Suspension key for cleaning Telephone or remote control input Remote probe input EAST/INV control Holiday program Program Pump activation Temperature set block User password Installer password Timed backlighting Relay status indication Correction t detection in operation Product positioning Wall mounting Adjustment range 5 - 37.7°C Dimensions (WxDxH) 128.5 x 88.5 x 26 mm
Power: n° 2 alkaline batteries 1,5 V type AA (LR6) Autonomy: Approx. 2 years Autonomy since the flashing low battery symbol on the display: approx. 15 days Timed backlight 6 sec. (default) / always off Type of action, disconnection and device: 1 / B / U / Electronic Output type: relay with changeover contact COM / NA / NC, potential-free - max 5(3)A/250 V ~ Software: class A Rated impulse voltage: 4kV Section of wires at terminals: 1,5 mmq ÷ 2,5 mmq
Perry 1CRCR028B white wall clock thermostat with batteries Perry 1CRCR028B
White Perry battery-powered wall-mounted thermostat 3V battery-powered 3V battery-powered 3V battery-powered white Perry battery-powered white Perry battery-powered 3V battery-powered white Perry thermostat with Weekly, Winter-Summer programming 3 tempera
Price MPCshop
Eur. 102,1
1289 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 5 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1CRCR028B
DIGITAL CHRONOTHERMOSTAT LIGHT DISPLAY AND MENU NAVIGATION Wall installation Battery powered (2x 1.5dc LR6-AA) Weekly, Winter / Summer 3 levels of antifreeze temperature Remote contact input Input for remote temperature probe
Data: 10 gennaio 2020 In precedenza avevo un altro cronotermostato bianco della Perry, mi ha funzionato per più di 10 anni. Ho acquistato questo Perry 1CRCR028B fidandomi della marca. Ottimo acquisto, massima assistenza su mpcshop, per ora nessun problema!
Data: 13 dicembre 2019 Molto preciso, lo ho regolato con isteresi 0,2 c°, funziona benissimo. Macchinoso cambiare l'orario giornaliero e copiarlo per l'intera settimana
Data: 4 aprile 2021 Mi è piaciuto il design del prodotto, mentre non mi è piaciuto molto la grafica utilizzata nel display. L'ho utilizzato in sostituzione di un altro cronotermostato di cui non ero soddisfatto del funzionamento.
Cronotermostato digitale per parete bianco a batterie Perry 1CRCR028B Alimentazione a pile 3V Cronotermostato settimanale buono e economico con programmazione Settimanale, Inverno - Estate 3 livelli di temperatura + antigelo con password utente e installatore. Display luminoso e navigazione a menu
II Cronotermostato settimanale, adatto a tutti gli impianti di riscaldamento e/o raffrescamento, è dotato di un chiaro display retroilluminato per tenere sotto controllo tutte le sue funzioni in tempo reale. Il Cronotermostato è pre-programmato in fabbrica per un funzionamento definito standard, quindi, subito dopo il collegamento all’utenza da comandare, l’inserimento delle pile e l’impostazione obbligatoria della data, ora attuale e conferma del cambio ora solare/legale automatico (EURO = Italia e zona Europa centrale UTC+1) è pronto per l’utilizzo immediato, visualizzando data, ora attuali, profilo termico/orario standard nella modalità Inverno (riscaldamento). La facilità di utilizzo tramite navigazione a menù è la caratteristica fondamentale, infatti, nonostante la completezza delle sue funzioni, è facilissimo da usare. Nella sua memoria permanente sono già impostati 2 programmi invernali e 2 estivi con 3 livelli di temperatura + antigelo studiati per offrire il massimo del comfort, ma bastano pochi secondi per modificarli e scegliere le temperature desiderate lungo tutto l’arco della giornata (anche ogni 30 minuti!) e per tutti i giorni della settimana. Il cronotermostato di fabbrica, regola la temperatura in modo Differenziale ON/OFF e l’isteresi è impostabile da 0,2°C a 1,2°C per adattarsi all’inerzia termica del Vostro specifico impianto - in alternativa è possibile selezionare il funzionamento in modo Proporzionale modulante con cicli di durata impostabili (da 7 a 20 minuti): questo sistema permette di mantenere più stabile la temperatura desiderata, aumentando la sensazione di comfort per l’utente ed è particolarmente adatto per gli impianti con alta inerzia termica come, ad esempio, per i pannelli radianti sottopavimento. La scala di temperatura impostata è in gradi Centigradi (Celsius) con la possibilità di calibrare la misurazione della temperatura ambiente impostando un valore di correzione (da -3 a +3 °C) - passando ai gradi Fahrenheit tutte le visualizzazioni di temperatura vengono aggiornate secondo la nuova scala. Al Cronotermostato è possibile collegare una sonda di temperatura separata remotabile (in opzione) e successivamente impostarla secondo le proprie esigenze di impianto: remota, a pavimento, esterna. Particolare attenzione è stata riservata al risparmio energetico: la forzatura manuale temporanea o permanente con SET di temperatura autonomo dal programma settimanale in corso, il programma Ferie, la sospensione per pulizie domestiche, il blocco opzionale delle temperature di Set impostate (MAX/MIN), il valore della temperatura antigelo regolabile, il comando tramite un contatto esterno (esempio programmatore telefonico in opzione), consentono di evitare sprechi di energia con conseguente risparmio economico
CARATTERISTICHE PRINCIPALI Menù multilingua Alimentazione 3V – 2x1.5V AA alkaline Display Lcd 4.3” retroilluminato Pulsanti retroilluminati Uscita 1 contatto in deviazione libero da potenziale: 5(3)A/250Vc.a. Funzionamento ON/OFF con differenziale regolabile da 0.2 – 1.2°C o modulante con periodo di controllo da 7 - 20 min 4 programmi preimpostati modificabili Livelli temperatura 3 + antigelo Temperatura manuale autonoma Temperatura regolabile per set di 0.1°C Programmazione minima 30 minuti Funzionamento manuale permanente / temporaneo Cambio automatico ora legale Tasto sospensione per pulizie Ingresso comando telefonico o remoto Ingresso sonda remota Comando EST/INV Programma Vacanze Programma attivazione pompa Blocco set temperature Password utente Password installatore Retroilluminazione temporizzata Indicazione stato relè Correzione t rilevamento in funzione posizionamento del prodotto Montaggio a parete Campo di regolazione 5 - 37.7°C Dimensioni (LxPxH) 128.5 x 88.5 x 26 mm
Alimentazione: n° 2 pile alcaline stilo 1,5 V tipo AA (LR6) Autonomia: circa 2 anni Autonomia dall`accensione sul display del simbolo lampeggiante di “pile scariche”: circa 15 giorni Retroilluminazione temporizzata 6 sec. (default) / sempre spenta Tipo di azione, disconnessione ed apparecchio: 1 / B / U / Elettronico Tipo di uscita: a relè con contatto in scambio COM / NA / NC, libero da potenziale - max 5(3)A/250 V ~ Software: classe A Tensione impulsiva nominale: 4kV Sezione dei fili ai morsetti: 1,5 mmq ÷ 2,5 mmq Ingresso contatto per accensione da remoto: per contatto remoto NA o NC libero da potenziale Ingresso per sonda separata remota: si - sonda impostabile a seconda dell’utilizzo: remota, pavimento, esterna Tipo di isolamento: classe II Grado di protezione: IP 30 Grado inquinamento: Normale Numero livelli di Temperatura: n° 3 « comfort», «attività» (pre-confort), «economy» + antigelo Scala di visualizzazione temperatura ambiente: - 5.0 °C ÷ +37.7 °C (+ 23 °F ÷ +99.9 °F) Campo di visualizzazione soglia sonda pavimento: - 0.0 °C ÷ + 60.0 °C (+ 32 °F ÷ +140 °F) Campo di visualizzazione sonda esterna: - 9.9 °C ÷ + 60.0 °C ( +14.2 °F ÷ +140 °F) Risoluzione indicatore temperatura ambiente: 0.1 °C (0.1 °F) Campo di regolazione Set di temperatura (t1/t2/t3): +5 °C ÷ +37.7 °C (+41.0°F ÷ +99.9 °F) limitabile Impostazione Set di temperatura: a step di 0.1 °C / 0.1 °F Correzione temperatura (Offset): regolabile da -3.0 °C (5.4°F) a +3.0 °C (5.4°F) default 0.0 °C/0,0 °F Modalità di regolazione della temperatura: - DIFFERENZIALE ON/OFF (default) regolabile da 0.2 °C a 1.2 °C (da 0,3 °F a 2.1 °F) default 0,3 °C (0,4°F) - PROPORZIONALE MODULANTE cicli di durata impostabili da 7a 20 minuti (default 10 minuti) Gradiente termico: max 1°K / 15 min Tolleranza sulla lettura di temperatura: ± 0,5°C (± 0,9°F) Limiti della temperatura di funzionamento: 0 °C ÷ +45 °C Limiti della temperatura di stoccaggio: -10 °C ÷ +60 °C Normative di riferimento per marcatura CE: LVD - EMC EN60730-2-7 EN60730-2-9
Perry 1CRCR028B white wall clock thermostat with batteries Perry 1CRCR028B
Perry-1CRCR028A Chronothermostat For Anthracite Wall
Perry Battery-powered Anthracite Wall Thermostat Battery-powered 3v Battery-powered Cheap Weekly Chronothermostat With Winter-summer Programming 3 Temperature Levels With User And Installer Password Luminous Display And Menu Navigation
White Wall Clock Thermostat 230v Power Supply Digital Clock Thermostat Luminous Display And Menu Navigation Weekly, Winter / Summer 3 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Input For Remote Contact Mpcshop Good And Cheap Perry
Black Wall Clock Thermostat 230v Power Supply Digital Clock Thermostat Luminous Display And Menu Navigation Weekly, Winter / Summer 3 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Input For Remote Contact Mpcshop Good And Cheap Perry
Perry-1CRCR018BS Perry White Wall Clock Thermostat
Wall Clock Thermostat Weekly Digital Up And Down Compact Easy Perry 1crcr018bs Factory Pre-programmed User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 Power Supply 3v With 2 Batteries Chronothermostat At a Good Price White
Weekly Wall-mounted Digital Chronothermostat Up And Down Compact Easy Perry 1crcr018as Anthracite Factory Pre-programmed Chronothermostat Perry User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 3v Power Supply With 2 Batteries
Perry-1CRCR017BG Good And Cheap Chronothermostat Perry
Daily White Digital Wall Clock Thermostat Up And Down Compact Easy Good And Cheap Clock Thermostat Perry 1crcr017bg White Factory Pre-programmed User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes 4 Inch Lcd Display 1/2 3v Power Supply
Wall Clock Thermostat Daily Digital Up And Down Good And Cheap Chronothermostat Compact Easy Perry 1crcr017ag Color Anthracite Preprogrammed At The Factory User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 Power Supply 3v
Perry 1crcr309-s Weekly Analogue Digital Chronothermostat White Colour 3v Easy 2 Inch Lcd Display 2/3 Temperature Set Adjustment Shown On The Display 2 Temperature And Antifreeze Levels Perry Weekly Wall-mounted Chronothermostat White Colour
Perry-1CRCR308-G White Wall Clock Thermostat With Batteri
Perry 1crcr308-g Daily Analogue Digital Chronothermostat White Colour 3v Easy Lcd Display 2 Inches 2/3 Temperature Set Adjustment Shown On The Display 2 Temperature And Antifreeze Levels Perry Daily Wall-mounted Chronothermostat White
Perry-1CRCR028A Chronothermostat For Anthracite Wall
Perry Battery-powered Anthracite Wall Thermostat Battery-powered 3v Battery-powered Cheap Weekly Chronothermostat With Winter-summer Programming 3 Temperature Levels With User And Installer Password Luminous Display And Menu Navigation
White Wall Clock Thermostat 230v Power Supply Digital Clock Thermostat Luminous Display And Menu Navigation Weekly, Winter / Summer 3 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Input For Remote Contact Mpcshop Good And Cheap Perry
Black Wall Clock Thermostat 230v Power Supply Digital Clock Thermostat Luminous Display And Menu Navigation Weekly, Winter / Summer 3 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Input For Remote Contact Mpcshop Good And Cheap Perry
Perry-1CRCR018BS Perry White Wall Clock Thermostat
Wall Clock Thermostat Weekly Digital Up And Down Compact Easy Perry 1crcr018bs Factory Pre-programmed User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 Power Supply 3v With 2 Batteries Chronothermostat At a Good Price White
Weekly Wall-mounted Digital Chronothermostat Up And Down Compact Easy Perry 1crcr018as Anthracite Factory Pre-programmed Chronothermostat Perry User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 3v Power Supply With 2 Batteries
Perry-1CRCR017BG Good And Cheap Chronothermostat Perry
Daily White Digital Wall Clock Thermostat Up And Down Compact Easy Good And Cheap Clock Thermostat Perry 1crcr017bg White Factory Pre-programmed User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes 4 Inch Lcd Display 1/2 3v Power Supply
Wall Clock Thermostat Daily Digital Up And Down Good And Cheap Chronothermostat Compact Easy Perry 1crcr017ag Color Anthracite Preprogrammed At The Factory User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 Power Supply 3v
Perry 1crcr309-s Weekly Analogue Digital Chronothermostat White Colour 3v Easy 2 Inch Lcd Display 2/3 Temperature Set Adjustment Shown On The Display 2 Temperature And Antifreeze Levels Perry Weekly Wall-mounted Chronothermostat White Colour
Perry-1CRCR308-G White Wall Clock Thermostat With Batteri
Perry 1crcr308-g Daily Analogue Digital Chronothermostat White Colour 3v Easy Lcd Display 2 Inches 2/3 Temperature Set Adjustment Shown On The Display 2 Temperature And Antifreeze Levels Perry Daily Wall-mounted Chronothermostat White
Perry-1CRCR028BPerry Perry White Wall Clock Thermostat White Perry battery-powered wall-mounted thermostat 3V battery-powered 3V battery-powered 3V battery-powered white Perry battery-powered white Perry battery-powered 3V battery-powered white Perry thermostat with Weekly, Winter-Summer programming 3 tempera white
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