Thermostats and ChronoTermostats
 Programmable thermostats
 Wireless Temperature Controllers

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Looking for the perfect blend of style, functionality, and durability in your heating control solutions? Our collection of thermostats and programmable thermostats is exactly what you need. Crafted from high-quality materials, these devices not only stand the test of time but also elevate the aesthetic of any space, making them a great fit for both private residences and professional environments.

Imagine a thermostat that seamlessly blends modern design with top-notch technology, offering precision and comfort without compromising on style. Our products are easy to maintain, ensuring that you can focus on enjoying your space rather than worrying about upkeep. Plus, their robust construction means you are investing in a long-lasting solution, helping you save on energy costs in the long run.

Safety is paramount, and our thermostats are equipped with the latest features to ensure your peace of mind. Reducing energy waste while enhancing your comfort has never been this effortless.

Don’t miss the chance to upgrade your environment with our elegant and functional thermostats. Invest in a high-quality product that guarantees a secure purchase, fast delivery, and reliable after-sales support. Act now and transform your space into a haven of comfort and style—shop today and experience the difference for yourself!
 motion detectors
 motion sensors
 infrared motion detectors
 built-in motion sensors
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Motion Detectors at best price

Motion detectors and occupancy detectors are tools that increase the energy efficiency of the electrical systems in which they are installed.

These devices adapt the consumption of electricity to the actual lighting needs. The settable twilight threshold makes it possible to select when natural light is no longer sufficient for the user and therefore artificial light must be switched on. The adjustment of the switch-off delay allows to limit the waste as much as possible, giving the possibility to set for how long the light must remain on in the absence of people in the detection angle.
This means turning on the light only when the sunlight is not sufficient and only for the time in which you are present in the environment.

These are devices that react to walking movements. These movements are perceived in the detection range and cause the contact to close for the set period of time and only if the light level falls below the set threshold.

We offer 3 types of presence detector, flush-mounted, ceiling-mounted and wall-mounted


The passive infrared (PIR) motion detector for flush-mounted indoor installation is a fully automatic light control device capable of controlling a lighting system.
During the night or in darkened rooms, the motion detector switches on the connected lighting system when it detects movement within its range. During the day or in rooms with sufficient daylight, the built-in twilight sensor saves electricity by switching off the lights. The twilight regulator determines the brightness level at which the lighting system should operate. An adjustable timer allows you to choose how long the light should remain on after it has been switched on

Rilevatore di movimento 1 modulo per serie civili ad incasso lente bianca - IP40

Motion detector Perry-1SPRM030B 1 module for civil series recessed white lens

Installation 1 civil module in recessed box type 503
Sensing angle up to 110° at 20 °C
Sensing range approx. 8 m. at 20 °C
Timing adjustment from approx. 5 seconds to approx. 12 minutes
Luminosity adjustment from approx. 5 to approx. 200 LUX
Customizable with finishing faceplates for perfect dimensional and chromatic integration of the most popular civil series

Where Not to Place

Il rilevatore di movimento a raggi infrarossi passivi (PIR) da installazione ad incasso in ambienti interni, è un dispositivo di controllo luci completamenteautomatico in grado di controllare un impianto di illuminazione (vedere potenze pilotabili in tabella dati tecnici).Durante la notte o in ambienti bui, il rilevatore di movimento accende l`impianto di illuminazione collegato quando rileva un movimento nel suo campo dicopertura. Durante il giorno o in ambienti sufficientemente illuminati dalla luce naturale, il sensore crepuscolare incorporato consente di risparmiare energiaelettrica disattivando le luci, infatti, agendo sul regolatore del crepuscolare, si determina il livello di luminosità al quale l`impianto di illuminazione deveentrare in funzione. Un timer regolabile consente di scegliere per quanto tempo la luce deve rimanere accesa dopo l`attivazione

The passive infrared (PIR) motion detector for flush-mounting in indoor environments is a fully automatic light control device capable of controlling a lighting system (see controllable powers in the technical data table).During the night or in dark environments, the motion detector switches on the connected lighting system when it detects movement within its range of coverage. During the day or in rooms with sufficient daylight, the built-in twilight sensor saves electricity by switching off the lights, since the twilight controller determines the brightness level at which the lighting system should switch on.  Do not install the detector towards reflective surfaces or towards heating vents, air conditioners, radiators or other devices that can rapidly change the temperature and cause the detector to trip. Do not place any obstacle between the detector and its volumetric coverage area (vases, house plants, flowers, books, photo frames, electrical appliances, etc.).</font><br><font size=


Rilevatore di movimento da parete a raggi infrarossi
Infrared wall motion detector

Wall-mounted infrared motion detector CUBE

Infrared motion detector Perry-1SPSP003B

Minimalist and sophisticated design, small size and top performance for a product suitable for any type of environment

Detection angle 140°. Sensitivity adjustable from 0.4 to 10 m. Possibility of manual exclusion to keep the light on for 4 hours by disabling the action of the sensor.

Sensing head rotation angle horizontal 180°, vertical 12°

Main Features

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• motion sensor
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• perry motion detector
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Infrared Motion Detector

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Rilevatore Di Presenza Da Controsoffiti

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Thermostats and Chrono Thermostats Onlin   Thermostats and Chrono Thermostats Onlin