Looking for the perfect blend of style, functionality, and durability in your heating control solutions? Our collection of thermostats and programmable thermostats is exactly what you need. Crafted from high-quality materials, these devices not only stand the test of time but also elevate the aesthetic of any space, making them a great fit for both private residences and professional environments.
Imagine a thermostat that seamlessly blends modern design with top-notch technology, offering precision and comfort without compromising on style. Our products are easy to maintain, ensuring that you can focus on enjoying your space rather than worrying about upkeep. Plus, their robust construction means you are investing in a long-lasting solution, helping you save on energy costs in the long run.
Safety is paramount, and our thermostats are equipped with the latest features to ensure your peace of mind. Reducing energy waste while enhancing your comfort has never been this effortless.
Don’t miss the chance to upgrade your environment with our elegant and functional thermostats. Invest in a high-quality product that guarantees a secure purchase, fast delivery, and reliable after-sales support. Act now and transform your space into a haven of comfort and style—shop today and experience the difference for yourself!
Wall Thermostat 3v Anthracite Colour With Batteries Next Series Digital Menu Thermostat 4.3\" Lcd Display With Backlighting And Telephone Or Remote Control Input User Password Timed Backlighting Good And Cheap Thermostat On Mpcshop.it
Price List
Eur. 87,84
Price MPCshop
Eur. 69,99
82 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 5 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1TPTE028A
DIGITAL TERMOSTAT MENU NAVIGATION and LIGHT DISPLAY Wall installation Wall thermostat with battery power supply Winter / Summer 2 levels of antifreeze temperature Input for remote contact Input for remote temperature probe The electronic thermostat is suitable for all heating and / or cooling systems, has a clear backlit display to monitor all its functions in real time Battery operated thermostat with ease of use through navigation amenů is the key feature, in fact, despite the completeness of its functions, it is very easy to use To the good and cheap thermostat it is possible to connect a separate remote temperature probe (optional) and then set it according to your system needs: remote, floor, outdoor.
Wall Thermostat 3v Anthracite Colour
Customers Reviews Perry Perry-1TPTE028A
Vito Data: 11 February 2020 In addition to being a good and economical thermostat is definitely complete with all the functions that can serve the heating system of an apartment. Very useful the user password, I recommend it!
Wall thermostat 3V Perry 1TPTE028A anthracite color with batteries Digital menu thermostat NEXT series Display Lcd 4.3 backlit with telephone or remote control input User password Timed backlight Thermostat good and cheap on mpcshop.en
DIGITAL MENU NAVIGATION and LIGHT DISPLAY DIGITAL THERMOSTAT Wall installation Battery powered Winter / Summer 2 temperature levels antifreeze Input for remote contact Input for remote temperature probe
The battery operated thermostat is suitable for all heating and/or cooling systems, it is equipped with a clear backlit display to keep all its functions under control in real time. The ease of use through navigation amenů is the key feature, in fact, despite the completeness of its functions, is very easy to use. The thermostat, at the factory, adjusts the temperature in Differential ON/OFF mode and the hysteresis can be set from 0.2°C to 1.2°C to adapt to the thermal inertia of your specific system - alternatively it is possible to select the operation in Proportional modulating mode with adjustable duration cycles (from 7 to 20 minutes): this system allows to keep the desired temperature more stable, increasing the feeling of comfort for the user and is particularly suitable for systems with high thermal inertia such as, for example, for underfloor radiant panels. The factory set temperature scale is in Centigrade (Celsius) with the possibility to calibrate the room temperature measurement by setting a correction value (from -3 to 3 °C). A separate remote temperature probe can be connected to the thermostat (optional) and then set it according to your system requirements: remote, floor, outdoor. Special attention has been given to energy saving: the suspension of the temperature control for domestic cleaning, the optional block of the set set temperatures (MAX/MIN), the adjustable antifreeze temperature value, the control by means of an external contact (example telephone programmer as an option), allow to avoid energy waste with consequent economic saving Main features of the electronic thermostat:
3V digital menu thermostat NEXT series anthracite color
On/Off operation with adjustable differential from 0.2 - 1.2°C or modulating with control period from 7 - 20 min
Temperature level 2 antifreeze
Adjustable temperature for set of 0.1°C
Suspension button for cleaning
Telephone or remote control input
Remote probe input
EAST/INV control
Pump activation program
Temperature set block
Password user
Installer password
Timed backlighting
Relay status indication
Correction t detection in function product positioning
Wall mounting
Adjustment range 5 - 37.7°C
Dimensions (WxDxH) 128.5 x 88.5 x 26 mm
Programming convenience All setting operations can be carried out before attaching the thermostat to the wall base - this allows settings to be made from the comfort of your seat. Flashing ON with winter or fixed summer symbol and NO RELAY indicates that the thermostat is detached or not firmly attached to the wall base.
Wall thermostat for boiler 3V NEXT Perry 1TPTE028A Perry 1TPTE028A
Perry Wall Mounted Boiler Thermostat Perry-1TPTE028A
Wall Thermostat 3v Anthracite Colour With Batteries Next Series Digital Menu Thermostat 4.3\" Lcd Display With Backlighting And Telephone Or Remote Control Input User Password Timed Backlighting Good And Cheap Thermostat On Mpcshop.it
Price List
Eur. 87,84
Price MPCshop
Eur. 69,99
82 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 5 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1TPTE028A
DIGITAL TERMOSTAT MENU NAVIGATION and LIGHT DISPLAY Wall installation Wall thermostat with battery power supply Winter / Summer 2 levels of antifreeze temperature Input for remote contact Input for remote temperature probe The electronic thermostat is suitable for all heating and / or cooling systems, has a clear backlit display to monitor all its functions in real time Battery operated thermostat with ease of use through navigation amenů is the key feature, in fact, despite the completeness of its functions, it is very easy to use To the good and cheap thermostat it is possible to connect a separate remote temperature probe (optional) and then set it according to your system needs: remote, floor, outdoor.
Data: 11 febbraio 2020 oltre ad essere un termostato buono e economico č decisamente completo di tutte le funzioni che possano servire all'impianto di riscaldamento di un'appartamento. Molto utile la password utente, lo consiglio!
Termostato da parete 3V Perry 1TPTE028A colore antracite a batterie Termostato digitale a menů serie NEXT Display Lcd 4.3” retroilluminato con ingresso comando telefonico o remoto Password utente Retroilluminazione temporizzata Termostato buono e economico su mpcshop.it
TERMOSTATO DIGITALE NAVIGAZIONE A MENU e DISPLAY LUMINOSO Installazione da parete Alimentazione a pile Inverno / Estate 2 livelli di temperatura + antigelo Ingresso per contatto remoto Ingresso per sonda di temperatura remotabile
II termostato a batterie č adatto a tutti gli impianti di riscaldamento e/o raffrescamento, č dotato di un chiaro display retroilluminato per tenere sotto controllo tutte le sue funzioni in tempo reale. La facilitŕ di utilizzo tramite navigazione amenů č la caratteristica fondamentale, infatti, nonostante la completezza delle sue funzioni, č facilissimo da usare. Il termostato, di fabbrica, regola la temperatura in modo Differenziale ON/OFF e l’isteresi č impostabile da 0,2°C a 1,2°C per adattarsi all’inerzia termica del Vostro specifico impianto - in alternativa č possibile selezionare il funzionamento in modo Proporzionale modulante con cicli di durata impostabili (da 7 a 20 minuti): questo sistema permette di mantenere piů stabile la temperatura desiderata, aumentando la sensazione di comfort per l’utente ed č particolarmente adatto per gli impianti con alta inerzia termica come, ad esempio, per i pannelli radianti sottopavimento. La scala di temperatura impostata di fabbrica č in gradi Centigradi (Celsius) con la possibilitŕ di calibrare la misurazione della temperatura ambiente impostando un valore di correzione (da -3 a +3 °C). Al termostato č possibile collegare una sonda di temperatura separata remotabile (in opzione) e successivamente impostarla secondo le proprie esigenze di impianto: remota, a pavimento, esterna. Particolare attenzione č stata riservata al risparmio energetico: la sospensione della termoregolazione per pulizie domestiche, il blocco opzionale delle temperature di Set impostate (MAX/MIN), il valore della temperatura antigelo regolabile, il comando tramite un contatto esterno (esempio programmatore telefonico in opzione), consentono di evitare sprechi di energia con conseguente risparmio economico
Principali caratteristiche del termostato elettronico:
Termostato digitale a menů 3V serie “NEXT” colore antracite
Menů multilingua
Alimentazione 3V – 2x1.5V AA alkaline
Display Lcd 4.3” retroilluminato
Pulsanti retroilluminati
Uscita 1 contatto in deviazione libero da potenziale: 5(3)A/250Vc.a.
Funzionamento ON/OFF con differenziale regolabile da 0.2 – 1.2°C o modulante con periodo di controllo da 7 - 20 min
Livelli temperatura 2 + antigelo
Temperatura regolabile per set di 0.1°C
Tasto sospensione per pulizie
Ingresso comando telefonico o remoto
Ingresso sonda remota
Comando EST/INV
Programma attivazione pompa
Blocco set temperature
Password utente
Password installatore
Retroilluminazione temporizzata
Indicazione stato relč
Correzione t rilevamento in funzione posizionamento del prodotto
Montaggio a parete
Campo di regolazione 5 - 37.7°C
Dimensioni (LxPxH) 128.5 x 88.5 x 26 mm
Comoditŕ di programmazione
Tutte le operazioni di impostazione possono essere effettuate prima di fissare il termostato alla base a parete- ciň consente di effettuare le impostazioni stando comodamente seduti. L’indicazione ON lampeggiante con simbolo inverno o estate fisso e la scritta NO RELČ indica che il termostato č staccato o non ben fissato alla base a parete.
Wall thermostat for boiler 3V NEXT Perry 1TPTE028A Perry 1TPTE028A
Details Perry Perry-1TPTE028A
Power supply
3V - 2x1.5V AA alkaline
Programming Type
ON/OFF or modulating
Type Installation
Display Type
Lcd 4.3
Temperature levels
2 + antifreeze
Suspension button for cleaning
EAST / INV command
Pump activation program
Telephone or remote control input
User and installer password
Setting range
5 - 37.7°C
How it works
ON/OFF with adjustable differential from 0.2 - 1.2°C or modulating with control period from 7 - 20 min
Perry-1TPTE028B Thermostat For White Boiler With Batteri
Wall Thermostat 3v White Colour With Batteries Digital Menu Thermostat Next Series Backlit Lcd 4.3\" Display With Telephone Or Remote Control Input User Password Timed Backlighting Good And Cheap Thermostat On Mpcshop.it
Perry-1TPTE029B Wall Mounted Boiler Thermostat White
Wall Thermostat 230v White Colour Digital Menu Thermostat 230v \"next\" Series Backlit Lcd 4.3\" Display With Telephone Or Remote Control Input User Password Timed Backlighting Good And Cheap Thermostat On Mpcshop.it
Perry-1TPTE029A Perry 230v Digital Wall Thermostat
Wall Thermostat 230v Anthracite Colour Digital Menu Thermostat 230v \"next\" Series Backlit Lcd 4.3\" Display With Telephone Or Remote Control Input User Password Timed Backlighting Good And Cheap Thermostat On Mpcshop.it
Perry-1TPTE530B White Wall Thermostat With Batteries
White Wall Thermostat With Batteries Perry 1tpte530b Series Zefiro 3v 80x80 White Colour Lcd Display 2 1/3 Temperature Levels 2 _ Antifreeze Est/inv Control Power Supply 2 Alkaline Batteries 1.5v Aaa Autonomy 24 Months Relay And Low Battery Status Indicat
Digital Wall Thermostat Perry 1tp Te531b Series Zefiro 230v 80 x 80 White Colour Lcd Display 2 1/3 Temperature Levels 2 _ Antifreeze Adjustable Temperature For Set Of 0.1°c Est/inv Control Lock Temperature Set Indication Relay Status
Perry-1TPTE532B Thermostat For Public Buildings On The w
Digital Wall Thermostat Perry 1tp Te532b Series Zefiro 230v For Public Buildings 80x80 White Lcd Display 2 1/3 Temperature Levels 2 Antifreeze Controls Not Accessible And Reserved For Installation Technicians Thermostat For Public Building
Perry 1tp Te400b Slim 3v Series Analog Digital Wall Thermostat White With On/off/reduce Night Control Temperature Levels 1 Continuous Control _ 1 Reduced Fixed Lcd Display 1 Led Low Battery And Relay Status 2 Alkaline Batteries 1.5v Aaa
Analog Digital Perry 1tp Te410b Slim 230v Series Wall Thermostat White With On/off/reduce Night Control Temperature Levels 1 Continuous Control _ 1 Reduced Fixed Lcd Display 1 Led Relay Status Remote Night Reduction Control Input
Perry 1tp Te402b Slim 3v Series Analog Digital Wall Thermostat White With Est/off/inv Control Temperature Levels 1 Continuous Control _ 1 Reduced Fixed Lcd Display 1 Led Low Battery And Relay Status Autonomy 12 Months 2 Alkaline Batteries 1.5v Aaa
Analog Digital Perry 1tp Te411b Slim 230v Series Wall Thermostat White Colour With Est/off/inv Control Temperature Levels 1 Continuous Control _ 1 Reduced Fixed Lcd Display 1 Led Relay Status Remote Night Reduction Control Input
Digital Wall Thermostat Perry 1tp Te526b Series Zefiro 3v White Bright Lcd Display Touch Screen Est/inv Control 2 Temperature Levels Antifreeze 2 Alkaline Batteries 1.5v Aaa Autonomy 24 Months Real Status And Low Battery Indication
Digital Wall Thermostat Perry 1tp Te526a Series Zefiro 3v Anthracite Lcd Luminous Display Touch Screen Est/inv Control 2 Temperature Levels Antifreeze 2 Alkaline Batteries 1.5v Aaa Autonomy 24 Months Real Status And Low Battery Indication
Perry-1TPTE028B Thermostat For White Boiler With Batteri
Wall Thermostat 3v White Colour With Batteries Digital Menu Thermostat Next Series Backlit Lcd 4.3\" Display With Telephone Or Remote Control Input User Password Timed Backlighting Good And Cheap Thermostat On Mpcshop.it
Perry-1TPTE029B Wall Mounted Boiler Thermostat White
Wall Thermostat 230v White Colour Digital Menu Thermostat 230v \"next\" Series Backlit Lcd 4.3\" Display With Telephone Or Remote Control Input User Password Timed Backlighting Good And Cheap Thermostat On Mpcshop.it
Perry-1TPTE029A Perry 230v Digital Wall Thermostat
Wall Thermostat 230v Anthracite Colour Digital Menu Thermostat 230v \"next\" Series Backlit Lcd 4.3\" Display With Telephone Or Remote Control Input User Password Timed Backlighting Good And Cheap Thermostat On Mpcshop.it
Perry-1TPTE530B White Wall Thermostat With Batteries
White Wall Thermostat With Batteries Perry 1tpte530b Series Zefiro 3v 80x80 White Colour Lcd Display 2 1/3 Temperature Levels 2 _ Antifreeze Est/inv Control Power Supply 2 Alkaline Batteries 1.5v Aaa Autonomy 24 Months Relay And Low Battery Status Indicat
Digital Wall Thermostat Perry 1tp Te531b Series Zefiro 230v 80 x 80 White Colour Lcd Display 2 1/3 Temperature Levels 2 _ Antifreeze Adjustable Temperature For Set Of 0.1°c Est/inv Control Lock Temperature Set Indication Relay Status
Perry-1TPTE532B Thermostat For Public Buildings On The w
Digital Wall Thermostat Perry 1tp Te532b Series Zefiro 230v For Public Buildings 80x80 White Lcd Display 2 1/3 Temperature Levels 2 Antifreeze Controls Not Accessible And Reserved For Installation Technicians Thermostat For Public Building
Perry 1tp Te400b Slim 3v Series Analog Digital Wall Thermostat White With On/off/reduce Night Control Temperature Levels 1 Continuous Control _ 1 Reduced Fixed Lcd Display 1 Led Low Battery And Relay Status 2 Alkaline Batteries 1.5v Aaa
Analog Digital Perry 1tp Te410b Slim 230v Series Wall Thermostat White With On/off/reduce Night Control Temperature Levels 1 Continuous Control _ 1 Reduced Fixed Lcd Display 1 Led Relay Status Remote Night Reduction Control Input
Perry 1tp Te402b Slim 3v Series Analog Digital Wall Thermostat White With Est/off/inv Control Temperature Levels 1 Continuous Control _ 1 Reduced Fixed Lcd Display 1 Led Low Battery And Relay Status Autonomy 12 Months 2 Alkaline Batteries 1.5v Aaa
Analog Digital Perry 1tp Te411b Slim 230v Series Wall Thermostat White Colour With Est/off/inv Control Temperature Levels 1 Continuous Control _ 1 Reduced Fixed Lcd Display 1 Led Relay Status Remote Night Reduction Control Input
Digital Wall Thermostat Perry 1tp Te526b Series Zefiro 3v White Bright Lcd Display Touch Screen Est/inv Control 2 Temperature Levels Antifreeze 2 Alkaline Batteries 1.5v Aaa Autonomy 24 Months Real Status And Low Battery Indication
Digital Wall Thermostat Perry 1tp Te526a Series Zefiro 3v Anthracite Lcd Luminous Display Touch Screen Est/inv Control 2 Temperature Levels Antifreeze 2 Alkaline Batteries 1.5v Aaa Autonomy 24 Months Real Status And Low Battery Indication
Perry-1TPTE028APerry Perry Wall Mounted Boiler Thermostat Wall Thermostat 3v Anthracite Colour With Batteries Next Series Digital Menu Thermostat 4.3\" Lcd Display With Backlighting And Telephone Or Remote Control Input User Password Timed Backlighting Good And Cheap Thermostat On Mpcshop.it black
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