Looking for the perfect blend of style, functionality, and durability in your heating control solutions? Our collection of thermostats and programmable thermostats is exactly what you need. Crafted from high-quality materials, these devices not only stand the test of time but also elevate the aesthetic of any space, making them a great fit for both private residences and professional environments.
Imagine a thermostat that seamlessly blends modern design with top-notch technology, offering precision and comfort without compromising on style. Our products are easy to maintain, ensuring that you can focus on enjoying your space rather than worrying about upkeep. Plus, their robust construction means you are investing in a long-lasting solution, helping you save on energy costs in the long run.
Safety is paramount, and our thermostats are equipped with the latest features to ensure your peace of mind. Reducing energy waste while enhancing your comfort has never been this effortless.
Don’t miss the chance to upgrade your environment with our elegant and functional thermostats. Invest in a high-quality product that guarantees a secure purchase, fast delivery, and reliable after-sales support. Act now and transform your space into a haven of comfort and style—shop today and experience the difference for yourself!
Perry 1ti Te541 230v Moon Soft Touch Flush-mounting Digital Thermostat 2 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Fixed Or Timed Backlighting Telephone Control Input Relay Status Indication Est-inv Control Thermostat At The Best Price On Mpcshop.it
Price List
Eur. 86,78
Price MPCshop
Eur. 69,19
1338 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 5 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1TITE541
Room thermostat with illuminated display Winter / Summer operation Room thermostat with 2 levels of antifreeze temperature Flush-mounted thermostat with current supply 230V AC 50-60Hz - Relay status indication Digital thermostat with temperature set lock Thermostat at best price Adjustment range 5 - 37,7°C
Perry 1ti Te541 Digital Thermostat For Flushmounting 230v Moon Soft Touch Series 2 Antifreeze Temperature Levels Fixed Or Timed Backlighting Telephone Command Input Relay Status Indication Estinv Control 3 Front Panels For Plate Compatibility
Customers Reviews Perry Perry-1TITE541
Leonardo Data: 27 August 2019 Put in the bedroom to control the sleeping area. Simple and intuitive operation. Installed in 2 minutes. Precise marked temperature and good open/closed control time. From the factory, the temperature differential (with hysteresis at 0.3°) is set as the control logic of the T. It shows the room temperature even if off.Good product.
Tecnico Data: 9 December 2019 Bought to replace the burnt one.Perfect, works well with precise temperature detection. Through NO contact (located on the back of the terminal board) you can turn it on remotely (via GSM dialer or there are many wifi ect relays to control via app).
Francesco Data: 6 April 2016 Excellent product with remote control through auxiliary contact manageable with gsm or wifi socket quality price are excellent recommended
Font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Digital thermostat Perry 1TITE541 flush-mounting 230V series MOON SOFT TOUCH 2 temperature levels antifreeze fixed or timed backlighting Telephone control input Relay status indication EST/INV control 3 front panels for plates compatibility
Features of the digital thermostat Features of the room thermostat with 230V c power supply.a. 50-60Hz Output 1 contact in potential-free deviation: 5(3)A/250Vac.a. On/Off operation with adjustable differential from 0.2 - 1.2°C or modulating with control period from 7 - 20 min Temperature levels 2 antifreeze Timed backlighting Telephone control input Telephone control input Relay status indication Termostat 230V with EST-INV control Temperature set-block Temperature set-blocking Correction t detection according to product positioning Adjustment range 5 - 37,7°C Dimensions (WxDxH) 65 x 53 x 47 mm
TECHNICAL DATA of the Perry thermostat Power supply voltage: 230V~ 50÷60Hz Autonomy battery powered model: about 2 years Autonomy from the flashing low battery symbol on the display: about 1 month Backlighting display: timed to 6 sec. since last pressing of a button or fixed Software: class A Rated impulse voltage: 4 kV Type of action, disconnection and device: 1/B/ Electronic Type of output: Relay with potential-free NO / COM / NC changeover contact max 8 (2) A / 250V~ Mains supply connection: 2 conductors (230V~ supply model only) User connection (load): 2 or 3 conductors Program connection input. Telephone: for potential-free NO contact Cable section at terminals: 0,75 mmq ÷ 2,5 mmq Settable temperature levels: COMFORT / REDUCTION (saving) / ANTI-FREEZE (OFF) Range of ambient temperature display: 0 °C ÷ 37,7 °C Resolution of ambient temperature: 0.1°C Adjustment range T Temperature set COMFORT and REDUCTION: 5 °C ÷ 37.7 °C (can be settable) Set temperature resolution: 0.1 °C Temperature reading tolerance: ± 0.5 °C Adjustable room temperature reading correction (Offset): -2 °C ÷ 2 °C (default 0.0 °C) Antifreeze temperature: 4 °C ÷ 12 °C (set adjustable or excludable) (default 4 °C)
Type of temperature regulation: - ON/OFF with adjustable differential -2 °C ÷ 2 °C (default 0.0 °C) - Proportional modulating with control period adjustable from 7 to 20 minutes (default 10 minutes) Thermal gradient: 1°K / 15 min Protection degree: IP 30 Isolation class: II Pollution degree: normal Limits Operating temperature: 0 °C ÷ 50 °C Limits Storage temperature: -10 °C ÷ 65 °C Reference standards for CE marking: LVD - EMC EN60730-1 EN60730-2-9
AVE: AVE SYSTEM 44 (personal 44, zamak 44, true 44)
BTICINE: White AXOLUTE: anthracite/tech LIVING - LIGHT - LIGHT TECH LIVINGLIGHT: anthracite/white/tech LIVINGLIGHT AIR: anthracite/white/tech - MATIX
Perry 1ti Te541 230v Moon Soft Touch Flush-mounting Digital Thermostat 2 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Fixed Or Timed Backlighting Telephone Control Input Relay Status Indication Est-inv Control Thermostat At The Best Price On Mpcshop.it
Price List
Eur. 86,78
Price MPCshop
Eur. 69,19
1338 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 5 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1TITE541
Room thermostat with illuminated display Winter / Summer operation Room thermostat with 2 levels of antifreeze temperature Flush-mounted thermostat with current supply 230V AC 50-60Hz - Relay status indication Digital thermostat with temperature set lock Thermostat at best price Adjustment range 5 - 37,7°C
Data: 27 agosto 2019 Messo in camera da letto per comandare la zona notte. Funzionamento semplice ed intuitivo. Installato in 2 minuti. Temperatura segnata precisa e buone tempistiche di comando aperto/chiuso. Da fabbrica, come logica di regolazione della T è impostato il differenziale termico (con isteresi a 0.3°) che a me soddisfa.
Visualizza la temperatura ambiente anche se spento.
Buon prodotto
Data: 9 dicembre 2022 Comprato per sostituire quello bruciato. Perfetto, funziona a dovere con rilevamento della temperatura preciso. Tramite contatto NA (posto dietro sulla morsettiera) è possibile accenderlo da remoto(tramite combinatore gsm oppure ci sono tanti relè wifi ect da comandare tramite app)
Data: 6 aprile 2016 Ottimo prodotto con controllo a distanza tramite contatto ausiliare gestibili con gsm oppure presa wifi qualità prezzo sono ottimi consigliato
Termostato digitale Perry 1TITE541 da incasso 230V serie MOON SOFT TOUCH 2 livelli di temperatura + antigelo retroilluminazione fissa o temporizzata Ingresso comando telefonico Indicazione stato relé Comando EST/INV 3 frontalini per compatibilità placche
CARATTERISTICHE del termostato digitale Termostato ambiente con alimentazione 230V c.a. 50-60Hz Uscita 1 contatto in deviazione libero da potenziale: 5(3)A/250Vc.a. Funzionamento ON/OFF con differenziale regolabile da 0.2 – 1.2°C o modulante con periodo di controllo da 7 - 20 min Livelli temperatura 2 + antigelo Retroilluminazione temporizzata Ingresso comando telefonico Indicazione stato relè Termostato 230V con comando EST-INV Blocco set temperature Correzione t rilevamento in funzione posizionamento del prodotto Campo di regolazione 5 - 37,7°C Dimensioni (LxPxH) 65 x 53 x 47 mm
DATI TECNICI del termostato Perry Tensione di alimentazione: 230V~ 50÷60Hz Autonomia modello a pile: circa 2 anni Autonomia dall’accensione sul display del simbolo lampeggiante di pile scariche: circa 1 mese Retroilluminazione display: temporizzata a 6 sec. dall’ultima pressione di un tasto o fissa Software: classe A Tensione impulsiva nominale: 4 kV Tipo di azione, disconnessione ed apparecchio: 1/B/ Elettronico Tipo di uscita: relè con contatto in scambio NA / COM / NC libero da potenziale max 8 (2) A / 250V~ Collegamento alimentazione di rete: 2 conduttori (solo modello alimentazione a 230V~) Collegamento utenza (carico): 2 o 3 conduttori Ingresso per collegamento a program. telefonico: per contatto NA libero da potenziale Sezione cavi ai morsetti: 0,75 mmq ÷ 2,5 mmq Livelli di Temperatura impostabili: COMFORT / RIDUZIONE (risparmio) / ANTIGELO (OFF) Campo di visualizzazione temperatura ambiente: 0 °C ÷ +37,7 °C Risoluzione temperatura ambiente: 0,1°C Campo di regolazione T Set di temperatura COMFORT e RIDUZIONE: +5 °C ÷ +37,7 °C (limitabile) Risoluzione temperatura di set: 0,1 °C Tolleranza sulla lettura di temperatura: ± 0,5 °C Correzione lettura temperatura ambiente (Offset): regolabile -2 °C ÷ +2 °C (default 0,0 °C) Temperatura antigelo: +4 °C ÷ + 12 °C (set regolabile o escludibile) (default 4 °C)
Tipo di regolazione temperatura: - ON/OFF con differenziale regolabile -2 °C ÷ +2 °C (default 0,0 °C) - Proporzionale modulante con periodo di controllo impostabile da 7 a 20 minuti (default 10 minuti) Gradiente termico: 1°K / 15 min Grado di protezione: IP 30 Classe isolamento: II Grado di inquinamento: normale Limiti Temperatura di funzionamento: 0 °C ÷ +50 °C Limiti Temperatura di stoccaggio: -10 °C ÷ +65 °C Normative di riferimento per marcatura CE: LVD - EMC EN60730-1 EN60730-2-9
AVE: AVE SISTEMA 44 (personal 44, zama 44, vera 44)
Perry Thermostat For Flush-mounting Digital 1ti Te543 230v Moon Soft Touch Series 2 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Fixed Or Timed Backlighting Telephone Command Input Relay Status Indication Est-inv Control Input For Telephone Programmer
Perry 1ti Te541 230v Moon Soft Touch Flush-mounting Digital Thermostat 2 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Fixed Or Timed Backlighting Telephone Control Input Relay Status Indication Est-inv Control Thermostat At The Best Price On Mpcshop.it
Perry Thermostat For Flush-mounting Digital 1ti Te543 230v Moon Soft Touch Series 2 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Fixed Or Timed Backlighting Telephone Command Input Relay Status Indication Est-inv Control Input For Telephone Programmer
Perry 1ti Te541 230v Moon Soft Touch Flush-mounting Digital Thermostat 2 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Fixed Or Timed Backlighting Telephone Control Input Relay Status Indication Est-inv Control Thermostat At The Best Price On Mpcshop.it
Perry-1TITE541Perry Perry Recessed Current Thermostat Perry 1ti Te541 230v Moon Soft Touch Flush-mounting Digital Thermostat 2 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Fixed Or Timed Backlighting Telephone Control Input Relay Status Indication Est-inv Control Thermostat At The Best Price On Mpcshop.it black
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