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Kit Methane Gas Detector For Wall Mounting With Na 1/2\" Solenoid Valve Gas Alarm Lpg For Wall Mounting Perry 1ga 50917gpl/1.2 Kit Consisting Of 1 Lpg Gas Detector For Wall Mounting And/or Semi-recessed Mounting \"zefiro\" Series Perry 1ga 50917gpl/p And
Price List
Eur. 158,36
Price MPCshop
Eur. 127,8
3 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 5 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1GA50917GPL-12
Kit of wall mounted LPG gas detector with 1/2\ 85dB 1 m signal buzzer LED indication ON LED failure indication LED gas presence indication Tripping level 5000 ppm 10IE Semi-recessed mounting with IP40 accessory 85dB 1m signal buzzer LED indication ON LED failure indication LED gas presence indication solenoid valve Encapsulated coils made of fibreglass-filled polyamide resin with DIN 43650 connection insulation class F (155°) and enameled wire class H (180°)
Perry 1ga50917gpl 12 Gas Detector Kit With Wall Mounted Solenoid Valve White
Customers Reviews Perry Perry-1GA50917GPL-12
Daniele Data: 29 July 2020 I am not an expert but I was looking for a methane gas detector that could interact with a solenoid valve, the safety in the house is never too much. I found this item the Perry 1GA 50917GPL 12, just what I need!
Wall mounted LPG gas detector kit with 1/2" NA solenoid valve Perry 1GA 50917GPL 12 Kit composed by 1 wall mounted and/or semi-recessed gas detector series ZEFIRO Perry 1GA 50917GPL/P and 1 solenoid valve Perry 1EV EV020
Wall mounted LPG gas detector kit with 1/2" NA solenoid valve. METHANE (CH4) or LPG gas detectors help to guarantee the safety of civil environments where domestic appliances working with gas are installed such as: boilers, kitchens, boilers. - Light and acoustic alarm signal at a gas concentration in the air far below the lower explosive limit (L.I.E.). - Sensor equipped with a special selective filter to avoid alarms due to the presence of gas vapors not to be detected, such as kitchen vapors, cleaning liquid vapors, etc. - Gas detectors are equipped with an output relay that can control a valve to close the gas supply.
1GA 50917GPL/P: wall mounted and/or semi-recessed ZEFIRO series LPG gas detector, LED indication ON/Avaria/gas presence
TECHNICAL FEATURES LPG gas detector Alimentation 230V c.a. 50-60Hz Potential-free deviation 1 contact output: 8(2)A/250Vac. Buzzer 85dB at 1 m LED indication ON LED indication failure indication LED indication gas presence Intervention level 5000 ppm 10% LEL Wall mounting IP42 Dimensions (LxWxH) 120 x 40 x 82 mm Semi-recessed mounting with IP40 accessory Dimensions (LxWxH) 120 x 27.5 x 82 mm
Accessories: - 1PA BSGA01: Base for mounting gas alarm series ZEFIRO semi-recessed in wall recessed boxes: round and/or - rectangular (can be purchased separately) - 1EV EV020: N.O. solenoid valve ½ DN15 threaded 230V 50-60 Hz brass body
The operating principle of the N.O. series solenoid valves is very simple and therefore extremely safe. The electromagnetic coil, if subjected to voltage, releases the closing device of the valve which is normally open. The reset is manual to verify the causes of the gas interception. During normal operation there is no electrical absorption and therefore, in addition to energy saving, no organ is subject to wear and tear.
- Solenoid valve N.O. ½ - Threaded connections Rp (brass bodies): DN15÷25 according to EN 10226 - Threaded connections Rp: DN20÷50 according to EN 10266 - Flanged connections PN16: DN32÷300 according to ISO 7005 - Degree of protection: IP65 - Closing time: - Maximum working pressure: 500 mbar or 6 bar (see product label) - Ambient temperature: -15 ÷ 60 °C - Max. surface temperature: 70 °C - Encapsulated coils made of polyamide resin filled with glass fibres with DIN 43650 type connection - the insulation class is F (155°) and the enamelled wire is H (180°)
MATERIALS - Brass OT-58 (UNI EN 12164) - Aluminium 11S (UNI 9002-5) - Die-cast aluminium (UNI EN 1706)
LPG gas detector wall with solenoid valve from half inch Perry 1GA50917GPL/1.2
Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve Kit Perry-1GA50917GPL-12
Kit Methane Gas Detector For Wall Mounting With Na 1/2\" Solenoid Valve Gas Alarm Lpg For Wall Mounting Perry 1ga 50917gpl/1.2 Kit Consisting Of 1 Lpg Gas Detector For Wall Mounting And/or Semi-recessed Mounting \"zefiro\" Series Perry 1ga 50917gpl/p And
Price List
Eur. 158,36
Price MPCshop
Eur. 127,8
3 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 5 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1GA50917GPL-12
Kit of wall mounted LPG gas detector with 1/2\ 85dB 1 m signal buzzer LED indication ON LED failure indication LED gas presence indication Tripping level 5000 ppm 10IE Semi-recessed mounting with IP40 accessory 85dB 1m signal buzzer LED indication ON LED failure indication LED gas presence indication solenoid valve Encapsulated coils made of fibreglass-filled polyamide resin with DIN 43650 connection insulation class F (155°) and enameled wire class H (180°)
Data: 29 luglio 2020 Non sono un esperto ma cercavo un rilevatore di gas metano che potesse interagire con una elettrovalvola, la sicurezza in casa non è mai troppa. Ho trovato questo articolo il Perry 1GA 50917GPL 12, proprio quello che fa al caso mio!
Kit rilevatore gas gpl da parete con elettrovalvola NA da 1/2” Gas Alarm GPL da parete Perry 1GA 50917GPL 12 Kit composto da 1 rilevatore di gas da parete e/o semincasso serie “ZEFIRO” Perry 1GA 50917GPL/P e 1 elettrovalvola Perry 1EV EV020
Kit rilevatore gas gpl da parete con elettrovalvola NA da 1/2”. I rivelatori di gas METANO (CH4) o GPL contribuiscono a garantire la sicurezza degli ambienti civili ove sono installati apparecchi ad uso domestico funzionanti a gas come: caldaie, cucine, boiler. - Segnalazione luminosa e acustica di allarme ad una concentrazione di gas nell’aria molto al di sotto del limite inferiore di esplosività (L.I.E.). - Sensore provvisto di un particolare filtro selettivo per evitare allarmi dovuti a presenza di vapori di gas da non rilevare, come vapori di cucina, vapori di liquidi per la pulizia ecc. - I rivelatori di gas sono dotati di un relè d’uscita che può comandare una valvola per la chiusura dell’erogazione del gas.
1GA 50917GPL/P: rilevatore di gas GPL da parete e/o semincasso serie “ZEFIRO”, LED di indicazione ON/Avaria/Presenza gas
CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE rilevatore di gas GPL Alimentazione 230V c.a. 50-60Hz Uscita 1 contatto in deviazione libero da potenziale: 8(2)A/250Vc.a. Buzzer di segnalazione 85dB a 1 m LED indicazione ON LED indicazione avaria LED indicazione presenza gas Livello di intervento 5000 ppm 10% LIE Montaggio a parete IP42 Dimensioni (LxPxH) 120 x 40 x 82 mm Montaggio a semincasso con accessorio IP40 Dimensioni (LxPxH) 120 x 27.5 x 82 mm
ACCESSORI: - 1PA BSGA01: Base per montaggio gas alarm serie “ZEFIRO” a semincasso in scatole incassate a muro: tonde e/o - rettangolari (acquistabile separatamente) - 1EV EV020: elettrovalvola N.A. ½” DN15 filettata 230V 50-60 Hz corpo ottone
Il principio di funzionamento delle elettrovalvole serie N.A. è molto semplice e per questo estremamente sicuro. La bobina elettromagnetica, se sottoposta tensione, sgancia il dispositivo di chiusura della valvola che è normalmente aperta. Il riarmo è manuale per verificare le cause dell’avvenuta intercettazione del gas. Durante il normale esercizio non c’è assorbimento elettrico e quindi, oltre al risparmio energetico, nessun organo è sottoposto a usura.
CARATTERISTICHE elettrovalvola N.A. ½” • Attacchi filettati Rp (corpi ottone): DN15÷25 secondo EN 10226 • Attacchi filettati Rp: DN20÷50 secondo EN 10266 • Attacchi flangiati PN16: DN32÷300 secondo ISO 7005 • Grado di protezione: IP65 • Tempo di chiusura: < 1 s • Pressione massima di esercizio: 500 mbar o 6 bar (vedere etichetta prodotto) • Temperatura ambiente: -15 ÷ +60 °C • Temperatura superficie max: 70 °C • Bobine incapsulate in resina poliammidica caricata con fibre di vetro con attacco tipo DIN 43650 - la classe di isolamento è la F (155°) ed il filo smaltato è in classe H (180°)
MATERIALI • Ottone OT-58 (UNI EN 12164) • Allumino 11S (UNI 9002-5) • Alluminio pressofuso (UNI EN 1706)
LPG gas detector wall with solenoid valve from half inch Perry 1GA50917GPL/1.2
Perry-1EVEV020 Elettrovalvola Per Gas Na 12 Filettata
Elettrovalvola Per Gas Na 1/2” Filettata Omologata In Classe “a” Alimentazione 230v C.a. +/-10% Normalmente Aperta Riarmo Manuale Max 5000 Mbar. Dotata Di Connettore Elettrico Perry 1evev020
Perry-1EVEV020 Elettrovalvola Per Gas Na 12 Filettata
Elettrovalvola Per Gas Na 1/2” Filettata Omologata In Classe “a” Alimentazione 230v C.a. +/-10% Normalmente Aperta Riarmo Manuale Max 5000 Mbar. Dotata Di Connettore Elettrico Perry 1evev020
Perry-1GA50917MET-P Rilevatore Gas Metano Perry1ga50917metp
Gas Detector Methane Wall And/or Semi-recessed Perry 1ga50917met/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With Alarm Tripping Signal Buzzer 85db At 1 m Led Indication On Failure And Gas Presence Output 1 Contact In Deflection Tripping Level 5000 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA50917GPL-P Lpg Gas Detector For Wall Perry
Lpg Gas Detector For Wall And/or Semi-recessed Installation Perry 1ga50917gpl/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With Signal Buzzer 85 Db At 1 Meter Led Indication On, Failure And Gas Presence Output 1 Contact In Travel Level Of Intervention 1860 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA50917MET-12 Methane Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve
Kit Rilevatore Gas Metano Da Parete Con Elettrovalvola Na Da 1/2” Gas Alarm Metano Da Parete Perry 1ga 50917met/1.2 Kit Composto Da 1 Rilevatore Perry 1ga 50917met/p e 1 Elettrovalvola Perry-1evev020
Perry-1GA50917MET-34 Methane Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve
Kit Rilevatore Gas Metano Da Parete Con Elettrovalvola Na Da 3/4” Gas Alarm Metano Da Parete Perry 1ga 50917met/3.4 Kit Composto Da 1 Rilevatore Perry 1ga 50917met/p e 1 Elettrovalvola Perry-1evev021
Perry-1GA50917GPL-34 Lpg Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve
Kit Rilevatore Gas Metano Da Parete Con Elettrovalvola Na Da 3/4” Gas Alarm Gpl Da Parete Perry 1ga 50917gpl-34 Kit Composto Da 1 Rilevatore Di Gas Gpl Da Parete E/o Semincasso Serie “zefiro” Perry 1ga 50917gpl/3.4 e 1 Elettrovalvola Perry 1ev Ev021
Perry-1GA51917MET-P Gas Detector Perry 1ga51917metp
Gas Detector Methane Wall And/or Semi-recessed Perry 1ga51917met/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With Signal Buzzer 85 Db At 1 Meter Led Indication On, Failure And Gas Presence Level Of Intervention 5000 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA51917GPL-P Perry Lpg Gas Detector 1ga51917gplp
Lpg Gas Detector For Wall And/or Semi-recessed Installation Perry 1ga51917gpl/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With 85 Db Signal Buzzer At 1 Metre Led Indication On, Failure And Gas Presence Intervention Level 1860 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA47917MET-P Rilevatore Gas Metano Perry1ga47917metp
Perry 1ga 43917met/p Zefiro Wall And/or Semi-recessed Methane Gas Detector With Bus Output Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Program To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Recognition Of Remote Sensors
Perry-1GA47917GPL-P Lpg Gas Detector For Wall Perry
Perry 1ga 43917gpl/p Wall And/or Semi-recessed Lpg Gas Detector With Zefiro Series Bus Output Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Programme To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Recognition Of Remote Sensors
Perry 1ga 48917met/p Zefiro Gas Detector With Bus Input Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Program To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Self-diagnosis Test
Perry-1GA48917GPL-P Perry 1ga48917gplp Lpg Gas Detector
Perry 1ga 48917gpl/p With Zefiro Series Bus Input Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Program To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Self-diagnosis Test
Perry-1GA50916-CHCO Gas Detector Wall Perry1ga50916chco
Rivelatore Gas Da Parete Perry 1ga 50916/chco Possibilità Di Rilevare Gas Metano Ch4 e Monossido Di Carbonio Co Sensibilità Di Intervento Per Metano Al 10% Del Limite Inferiore Di Esplosività e Per Monossido Carbonio Oltre Max. Concentrazione Ammissibile
Rivelatore Gas Da Parete Perry 1ga 50916/co Per Monossido Di Carbonio Co Sensibilità Di Intervento Quando Viene Superata La Massima Concentrazione Di Co Ammissibile, 300 Ppm, Oppure Se Persistono Per Lunghi Periodi Concentrazioni Dannose, 30 Ppm Per 2 Ore
Perry-1GA50917MET-P Rilevatore Gas Metano Perry1ga50917metp
Gas Detector Methane Wall And/or Semi-recessed Perry 1ga50917met/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With Alarm Tripping Signal Buzzer 85db At 1 m Led Indication On Failure And Gas Presence Output 1 Contact In Deflection Tripping Level 5000 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA50917GPL-P Lpg Gas Detector For Wall Perry
Lpg Gas Detector For Wall And/or Semi-recessed Installation Perry 1ga50917gpl/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With Signal Buzzer 85 Db At 1 Meter Led Indication On, Failure And Gas Presence Output 1 Contact In Travel Level Of Intervention 1860 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA50917MET-12 Methane Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve
Kit Rilevatore Gas Metano Da Parete Con Elettrovalvola Na Da 1/2” Gas Alarm Metano Da Parete Perry 1ga 50917met/1.2 Kit Composto Da 1 Rilevatore Perry 1ga 50917met/p e 1 Elettrovalvola Perry-1evev020
Perry-1GA50917MET-34 Methane Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve
Kit Rilevatore Gas Metano Da Parete Con Elettrovalvola Na Da 3/4” Gas Alarm Metano Da Parete Perry 1ga 50917met/3.4 Kit Composto Da 1 Rilevatore Perry 1ga 50917met/p e 1 Elettrovalvola Perry-1evev021
Perry-1GA50917GPL-34 Lpg Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve
Kit Rilevatore Gas Metano Da Parete Con Elettrovalvola Na Da 3/4” Gas Alarm Gpl Da Parete Perry 1ga 50917gpl-34 Kit Composto Da 1 Rilevatore Di Gas Gpl Da Parete E/o Semincasso Serie “zefiro” Perry 1ga 50917gpl/3.4 e 1 Elettrovalvola Perry 1ev Ev021
Perry-1GA51917MET-P Gas Detector Perry 1ga51917metp
Gas Detector Methane Wall And/or Semi-recessed Perry 1ga51917met/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With Signal Buzzer 85 Db At 1 Meter Led Indication On, Failure And Gas Presence Level Of Intervention 5000 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA51917GPL-P Perry Lpg Gas Detector 1ga51917gplp
Lpg Gas Detector For Wall And/or Semi-recessed Installation Perry 1ga51917gpl/p Zefiro Gas Alarm With 85 Db Signal Buzzer At 1 Metre Led Indication On, Failure And Gas Presence Intervention Level 1860 Ppm 10ie
Perry-1GA47917MET-P Rilevatore Gas Metano Perry1ga47917metp
Perry 1ga 43917met/p Zefiro Wall And/or Semi-recessed Methane Gas Detector With Bus Output Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Program To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Recognition Of Remote Sensors
Perry-1GA47917GPL-P Lpg Gas Detector For Wall Perry
Perry 1ga 43917gpl/p Wall And/or Semi-recessed Lpg Gas Detector With Zefiro Series Bus Output Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Programme To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Recognition Of Remote Sensors
Perry 1ga 48917met/p Zefiro Gas Detector With Bus Input Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Program To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Self-diagnosis Test
Perry-1GA48917GPL-P Perry 1ga48917gplp Lpg Gas Detector
Perry 1ga 48917gpl/p With Zefiro Series Bus Input Microprocessor With Smoke Selection Program To Prevent False Alarms And Microprocessor With Timer To Signal Revision Self-diagnosis Test
Perry-1GA50916-CHCO Gas Detector Wall Perry1ga50916chco
Rivelatore Gas Da Parete Perry 1ga 50916/chco Possibilità Di Rilevare Gas Metano Ch4 e Monossido Di Carbonio Co Sensibilità Di Intervento Per Metano Al 10% Del Limite Inferiore Di Esplosività e Per Monossido Carbonio Oltre Max. Concentrazione Ammissibile
Rivelatore Gas Da Parete Perry 1ga 50916/co Per Monossido Di Carbonio Co Sensibilità Di Intervento Quando Viene Superata La Massima Concentrazione Di Co Ammissibile, 300 Ppm, Oppure Se Persistono Per Lunghi Periodi Concentrazioni Dannose, 30 Ppm Per 2 Ore
Perry-1GA50917GPL-12Perry Gas Detector With Solenoid Valve Kit Kit Methane Gas Detector For Wall Mounting With Na 1/2\" Solenoid Valve Gas Alarm Lpg For Wall Mounting Perry 1ga 50917gpl/1.2 Kit Consisting Of 1 Lpg Gas Detector For Wall Mounting And/or Semi-recessed Mounting \"zefiro\" Series Perry 1ga 50917gpl/p And white
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