Power bars for cabling and control of modern single-room heating systems with 4 to 8 adjustable control zones
Recommended items in Wire power bars |
Power Bar 4 Zones Perry 1acbp04230 EUR:93,83 |
Power Bar 8 Zones Perry 1acbp08230 EUR:117,58 |
Control Bar For 8 Zones 230v EUR:218,81 |
Power Bar 4 Zones Perry 1acbp04230 EUR:93,83 |
Power Bar 8 Zones Perry 1acbp08230 EUR:117,58 |
Builtin Chronothermostat With 3v Batteri EUR:97,94 |
Chronothermostat For Anthracite Wall EUR:102,1 |
Perry White Wall Clock Thermostat EUR:102,1 |
Perry Black Wall Clock Thermostat EUR:112,52 |
Perry White Wall Clock Thermostat EUR:112,52 |
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Thermostats and ChronoTermostats | Programmable thermostats | Wire power bars |
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