Perry Builtin 230v Wifi Chronothermostat Color Perry-1TXCDS29WIFI
Built-in 230v Wifi Chronothermostat White Color. The New 1tx Cds29wifi Is An Advanced Device That Goes Well With Any Civilian Environment. All Thermoregulation Features And Settings Are Programmable By App. Keypad Lock.
Chronothermostat WIFI 230V recessed white color
Price List
Eur. 146,4
Price MPCshop
Eur. 123,83
12 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 5 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1TXCDS29WIFI
Permanent/temporary manual operation Automatic daylight saving time change User password, Set temperature lock Easily programmable viaAPP Keypad lock
Perry Perry 1txcds29wifi Chronothermostat Wifi 230v Builtin Color
Customers Reviews Perry Perry-1TXCDS29WIFI
The new 1TX CDS29WIFI, is a device with cutting-edge technical features while maintaining extreme simplicity of user interaction. Using the APP, available for both Android and iOS, performing initial configurations and programming is extremely intuitive and fast.
Technical features - 230V AC 50/60Hz power supply - 2"¼ backlit LCD display - Output 1 potential-free diverter contact: 5(3)A/250V AC - ON/OFF operation with adjustable differential from 0.2 - 1.2°C or modulating with control period from 7-20 min - Up to 10 daily programmes - Minimum intervention 1 minute - Autonomous manual temperature - Temperature adjustable per set of 0.1°C from 4 to 37°C - Permanent/temporary manual operation - Automatic summer time changeover - EAST/INV control - Away-from-home function (energy saving) - Anti-limescale programme pump activation - Set temperature lock - User password - Keypad lock - Timed or fixed backlighting - Power failure setting maintenance 72 hours - Relay status indication - Correction of detection t depending on product positioning - Flush mounting - Dimensions (WxDxH) 65 x 53 x 47 mm
The new 1TX CDS29WIFI, is a device with state-of-the-art technical features while maintaining extreme simplicity of user interaction.
Using the APP, available for both Android and iOS, performing initial configurations and programming is extremely intuitive and fast.
The new 1TX CDS29WIFI is an advanced appliance that fits into any civil environment. All thermoregulation functions and settings are programmable via App.
REMOTE PROBE MANAGEMENT Possibility of connecting an external wired probe that can be configured via the App in the most appropriate way for your system.
EXTERNAL CONTACT MANAGEMENT A remote input, configurable from the App, allows you to have temperature control only when you really need it: window contact, presence sensor, access card, etc.
App for iOS and Android devices for thermostats/chronothermostats with 230V power supply The use of a connected chronothermostat makes programming simpler, ensures greater energy efficiency and allows the system to be supervised intuitively and immediately.
MULTI-SYSTEM / MULTI-ZONE MANAGEMENT To manage several devices within a house or several systems.
TEMPERATURE SETTING Simple and intuitive.
WEEKLY PROGRAMMING Up to 10 temperature levels can be set within a single day.
ADVANCED SETTINGS Temperature blocks, offsets, adjustment for floor systems or
EASY TO INSTALL The CDS29WIFI chronothermostat simplifies installation and configuration. Using the Perry App, time, date and time programming parameters are synchronised in seconds.
SHARING The `sharing` function allows the device to be controlled by multiple users.
The owner user can share the device but retain ownership, excluding guests when necessary. In the case of temporary rentals, for example, the owner can set maximum and minimum temperatures (both summer and winter) limiting any energy wastage by the tenant.
Ownership of thermostats and homes can be transferred to another user. For example, the installer can configure the system with his own account and then transfer ownership to the customer. This facilitates the initial installation process.
Chronothermostat WIFI 230V built-in color Perry1TXCDS29WIFI Perry 1TXCDS29WIFI
Builtin 230v Wifi Chronothermostat Color Perry-1TXCDS29WIFI
Built-in 230v Wifi Chronothermostat White Color. The New 1tx Cds29wifi Is An Advanced Device That Goes Well With Any Civilian Environment. All Thermoregulation Features And Settings Are Programmable By App. Keypad Lock.
Chronothermostat WIFI 230V recessed white color
Price List
Eur. 146,4
Price MPCshop
Eur. 123,83
12 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 5 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1TXCDS29WIFI
Permanent/temporary manual operation Automatic daylight saving time change User password, Set temperature lock Easily programmable viaAPP Keypad lock
Il nuovo 1TX CDS29WIFI, è un dispositivo con caratteristiche tecniche all’avanguardia purmantenendo una estrema semplicità di interazione da parte dell’utente.Tramite la APP, disponibile sia per Android che per iOS, eseguire le configurazioni iniziali e leprogrammazioni risulta estremamente intuitivo e veloce.
Caratteristiche tecniche • Alimentazione 230V c.a. 50/60Hz • Display Lcd 2”¼ retroilluminato • Uscita 1 contatto in deviazione libero da potenziale: 5(3)A/250Vc.a. • Funzionamento ON/OFF con differenziale regolabile da 0.2 – 1.2°C o modulante con periodo di controllo da 7-20 min • Fino a 10 programmi giornalieri • Intervento minimo 1 minuto • Temperatura manuale autonoma • Temperatura regolabile per set di 0.1°C da 4 a 37°C • Funzionamento manuale permanente / temporaneo • Cambio automatico ora legale • Comando EST/INV • Funzione “Fuori casa” (risparmio energetico) • Programma anticalcare attivazione pompa • Blocco set temperature • Password utente • Blocco tastiera • Retroilluminazione temporizzata o fissa • Mantenimento impostazioni in fase di blackout 72 ore • Indicazione stato relè • Correzione t rilevamento in funzione posizionamento del prodotto • Montaggio ad incasso • Dimensioni (LxPxH) 65 x 53 x 47 mm
Il nuovo 1TX CDS29WIFI, è un dispositivo con caratteristiche tecniche all’avanguardia pur mantenendo una estrema semplicità di interazione da parte dell’utente.
Tramite la APP, disponibile sia per Android che per iOS, eseguire le configurazioni iniziali e le programmazioni risulta estremamente intuitivo e veloce.
Il nuovo 1TX CDS29WIFI è un apparecchio evoluto che si sposa con ogni ambiente civile. Tutte le funzionalità e impostazioni di termoregolazione sono programmabili da App.
GESTIONE SONDA REMOTA Possibilità di collegare una sonda filare esterna che può essere configurata attraverso l’App nel modo più adeguato al proprio impianto.
GESTIONE CONTATTO ESTERNO Un ingresso remoto, configurabile da App, permette di avere il controllo della termoregolazione solo quando serve davvero: contatto finestra, sensore di presenza, scheda di accesso, ecc.
Applicazione per dispositivi iOS e Android per termostati/cronotermostati con alimentazione 230V L’utilizzo di un cronotermostato connesso rende la programmazione più semplice, garantisce maggiore efficienza energetica e consente di supervisionare l’impianto in modo intuitivo ed immediato.
GESTIONE MULTI IMPIANTO / MULTIZONA Per gestire più dispositivi all’interno di una abitazione o di diversi impianti.
PROGRAMMAZIONE SETTIMANALE Fino a 10 livelli di temperatura impostabili nell’arco di una sola giornata.
IMPOSTAZIONI AVANZATE Blocchi temperature, offset, regolazione per impianti a pavimento o
EASY TO INSTALL Il cronotermostato CDS29WIFI semplifica le operazioni di installazione e configurazione. Utilizzando l’App Perry i parametri di ora, data e programmazione oraria si sincronizzano in pochi secondi.
CONDIVISIONE La funzione “condivisione” permette di avere il controllo dell’apparecchio da più utenti.
L’utente proprietario può condividere il dispositivo ma mantenerne la proprietà, escludendo gli ospiti quando necessario. Nel caso di affitti temporanei, ad esempio, il proprietario può impostare le temperature massime e minime (sia estive che invernali) limitando gli eventuali sprechi energetici da parte dell’affittuario.
La proprietà dei termostati e delle case può essere ceduta a un altro utente. Ad esempio l’installatore può configurare il sistema con il proprio account per poi cederne al cliente la proprietà. Ciò agevola il processo di prima installazione.
Chronothermostat WIFI 230V built-in color Perry1TXCDS29WIFI Perry 1TXCDS29WIFI
White Wifi Wall Mounted 230v Power Supply Easy Weekly Programming With Dedicated Apps Wireless Connection Equipped With Backlit Lcd Display With White-led Technology Supports Amazon Alexa And Google Home
Perry-1CRCDS26 Chronothermostat For Weekly Installation
Perry-1crcds26 Built-in Weekly Chronothermostat With Batteries Moon Series Touch Screen Backlit Display, 3 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze 4 Preset Programs That Can Be Modified Cleaning Suspension Key Weekly Chronothermostat On Offer
Chronothermostat Flush-mounted Perry Moon Series Weekly Touch Screen Chronothermostat Backlit Display 3 Temperature Levels 4 Preset Programs That Can Be Modified Cleaning Suspension Key Weekly Flush-mounted Chronothermostat Is Good And Cheap
Perry-1CRCDS28 Builtin Chronothermostat With 3v Batteri
Chronothermostat For Flush-mounting Weekly 3v Soft Touch Power Supply Battery-powered Cmpcshop With Backlit Display 3 Temperature Levels 4 Preset Programs That Can Be Modified Cleaning Suspension Key Perry Soft Touch Chronothermostat 1crcds28
Perry-1CRCDS29 Builtin Chronothermostat 230v Perry
Chronothermostat For Flush-mounting Weekly 230v Power Supply Soft Touch Backlit Display, 3 Temperature Levels 4 Preset Programs Cleaning Suspension Key Three Front Panels Included In The Package Chronothermostat In Special Offer Perry
Wall Clock Thermostat Daily Digital Up And Down Good And Cheap Chronothermostat Compact Easy Perry 1crcr017ag Color Anthracite Preprogrammed At The Factory User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 Power Supply 3v
Perry-1CRCR017BG Good And Cheap Chronothermostat Perry
Daily White Digital Wall Clock Thermostat Up And Down Compact Easy Good And Cheap Clock Thermostat Perry 1crcr017bg White Factory Pre-programmed User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes 4 Inch Lcd Display 1/2 3v Power Supply
Weekly Wall-mounted Digital Chronothermostat Up And Down Compact Easy Perry 1crcr018as Anthracite Factory Pre-programmed Chronothermostat Perry User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 3v Power Supply With 2 Batteries
Perry-1CRCR018BS Perry White Wall Clock Thermostat
Wall Clock Thermostat Weekly Digital Up And Down Compact Easy Perry 1crcr018bs Factory Pre-programmed User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 Power Supply 3v With 2 Batteries Chronothermostat At a Good Price White
Perry-1CRCR028A Chronothermostat For Anthracite Wall
Perry Battery-powered Anthracite Wall Thermostat Battery-powered 3v Battery-powered Cheap Weekly Chronothermostat With Winter-summer Programming 3 Temperature Levels With User And Installer Password Luminous Display And Menu Navigation
White Perry battery-powered wall-mounted thermostat 3V battery-powered 3V battery-powered 3V battery-powered white Perry battery-powered white Perry battery-powered 3V battery-powered white Perry thermostat with Weekly, Winter-Summer programming 3 tempera
Black Wall Clock Thermostat 230v Power Supply Digital Clock Thermostat Luminous Display And Menu Navigation Weekly, Winter / Summer 3 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Input For Remote Contact Mpcshop Good And Cheap Perry
White Wall Clock Thermostat 230v Power Supply Digital Clock Thermostat Luminous Display And Menu Navigation Weekly, Winter / Summer 3 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Input For Remote Contact Mpcshop Good And Cheap Perry
Perry-1CRCR308-G White Wall Clock Thermostat With Batteri
Perry 1crcr308-g Daily Analogue Digital Chronothermostat White Colour 3v Easy Lcd Display 2 Inches 2/3 Temperature Set Adjustment Shown On The Display 2 Temperature And Antifreeze Levels Perry Daily Wall-mounted Chronothermostat White
Perry 1crcr309-s Weekly Analogue Digital Chronothermostat White Colour 3v Easy 2 Inch Lcd Display 2/3 Temperature Set Adjustment Shown On The Display 2 Temperature And Antifreeze Levels Perry Weekly Wall-mounted Chronothermostat White Colour
Perry-1TXCR028WIFI Wireless Chronothermostat For 3v Boiler
Wireless Chronothermostat For 3v Boiler Controlled Directly From Smartphone With Optional Smartbox Works With Any Type Of System, Floor With Radiators Or Fan-coils Automatic Suspension Of Operation When Windows Open Colour White
Perry-1TXCR028WIFIKIT Wireless Smartbox Perry Chronothermostat
Perry Wireless Chronothermostat Kit For Boiler With Smartbox Directly Controlled By Smartphone Works With Any Type Of System (floor, Radiator Or Fan-coil) Automatic Suspension Of Operation When Opening Windows
White Wifi Wall Mounted 230v Power Supply Easy Weekly Programming With Dedicated Apps Wireless Connection Equipped With Backlit Lcd Display With White-led Technology Supports Amazon Alexa And Google Home
Perry 1txcrtx05 Wireless Chronothermostat With Radio Frequency Output 868.35mhz Weekly 3 Preset Programs _ 1 Free 2 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Telephone Control Input Master Function Wall Mounted Chronothermostat White
Chronothermostat Complete Wall Kit Kit Consisting Of 1 Radio Chronothermostat 1tx Crtx05 1 Radio Receiver 1 Wall Zone 1tx Rx01/p The Chronothermostat Regulates Time Profiles And Temperature Sets Good And Economical Wall-mounted Chronothermostat
White Wifi Wall Mounted 230v Power Supply Easy Weekly Programming With Dedicated Apps Wireless Connection Equipped With Backlit Lcd Display With White-led Technology Supports Amazon Alexa And Google Home
Perry-1CRCDS26 Chronothermostat For Weekly Installation
Perry-1crcds26 Built-in Weekly Chronothermostat With Batteries Moon Series Touch Screen Backlit Display, 3 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze 4 Preset Programs That Can Be Modified Cleaning Suspension Key Weekly Chronothermostat On Offer
Chronothermostat Flush-mounted Perry Moon Series Weekly Touch Screen Chronothermostat Backlit Display 3 Temperature Levels 4 Preset Programs That Can Be Modified Cleaning Suspension Key Weekly Flush-mounted Chronothermostat Is Good And Cheap
Perry-1CRCDS28 Builtin Chronothermostat With 3v Batteri
Chronothermostat For Flush-mounting Weekly 3v Soft Touch Power Supply Battery-powered Cmpcshop With Backlit Display 3 Temperature Levels 4 Preset Programs That Can Be Modified Cleaning Suspension Key Perry Soft Touch Chronothermostat 1crcds28
Perry-1CRCDS29 Builtin Chronothermostat 230v Perry
Chronothermostat For Flush-mounting Weekly 230v Power Supply Soft Touch Backlit Display, 3 Temperature Levels 4 Preset Programs Cleaning Suspension Key Three Front Panels Included In The Package Chronothermostat In Special Offer Perry
Wall Clock Thermostat Daily Digital Up And Down Good And Cheap Chronothermostat Compact Easy Perry 1crcr017ag Color Anthracite Preprogrammed At The Factory User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 Power Supply 3v
Perry-1CRCR017BG Good And Cheap Chronothermostat Perry
Daily White Digital Wall Clock Thermostat Up And Down Compact Easy Good And Cheap Clock Thermostat Perry 1crcr017bg White Factory Pre-programmed User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes 4 Inch Lcd Display 1/2 3v Power Supply
Weekly Wall-mounted Digital Chronothermostat Up And Down Compact Easy Perry 1crcr018as Anthracite Factory Pre-programmed Chronothermostat Perry User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 3v Power Supply With 2 Batteries
Perry-1CRCR018BS Perry White Wall Clock Thermostat
Wall Clock Thermostat Weekly Digital Up And Down Compact Easy Perry 1crcr018bs Factory Pre-programmed User-modifiable Programming 60 Minutes Lcd Display 4 Inches 1/2 Power Supply 3v With 2 Batteries Chronothermostat At a Good Price White
Perry-1CRCR028A Chronothermostat For Anthracite Wall
Perry Battery-powered Anthracite Wall Thermostat Battery-powered 3v Battery-powered Cheap Weekly Chronothermostat With Winter-summer Programming 3 Temperature Levels With User And Installer Password Luminous Display And Menu Navigation
White Perry battery-powered wall-mounted thermostat 3V battery-powered 3V battery-powered 3V battery-powered white Perry battery-powered white Perry battery-powered 3V battery-powered white Perry thermostat with Weekly, Winter-Summer programming 3 tempera
Black Wall Clock Thermostat 230v Power Supply Digital Clock Thermostat Luminous Display And Menu Navigation Weekly, Winter / Summer 3 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Input For Remote Contact Mpcshop Good And Cheap Perry
White Wall Clock Thermostat 230v Power Supply Digital Clock Thermostat Luminous Display And Menu Navigation Weekly, Winter / Summer 3 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Input For Remote Contact Mpcshop Good And Cheap Perry
Perry-1CRCR308-G White Wall Clock Thermostat With Batteri
Perry 1crcr308-g Daily Analogue Digital Chronothermostat White Colour 3v Easy Lcd Display 2 Inches 2/3 Temperature Set Adjustment Shown On The Display 2 Temperature And Antifreeze Levels Perry Daily Wall-mounted Chronothermostat White
Perry 1crcr309-s Weekly Analogue Digital Chronothermostat White Colour 3v Easy 2 Inch Lcd Display 2/3 Temperature Set Adjustment Shown On The Display 2 Temperature And Antifreeze Levels Perry Weekly Wall-mounted Chronothermostat White Colour
Perry-1TXCR028WIFI Wireless Chronothermostat For 3v Boiler
Wireless Chronothermostat For 3v Boiler Controlled Directly From Smartphone With Optional Smartbox Works With Any Type Of System, Floor With Radiators Or Fan-coils Automatic Suspension Of Operation When Windows Open Colour White
Perry-1TXCR028WIFIKIT Wireless Smartbox Perry Chronothermostat
Perry Wireless Chronothermostat Kit For Boiler With Smartbox Directly Controlled By Smartphone Works With Any Type Of System (floor, Radiator Or Fan-coil) Automatic Suspension Of Operation When Opening Windows
White Wifi Wall Mounted 230v Power Supply Easy Weekly Programming With Dedicated Apps Wireless Connection Equipped With Backlit Lcd Display With White-led Technology Supports Amazon Alexa And Google Home
Perry 1txcrtx05 Wireless Chronothermostat With Radio Frequency Output 868.35mhz Weekly 3 Preset Programs _ 1 Free 2 Temperature Levels _ Antifreeze Telephone Control Input Master Function Wall Mounted Chronothermostat White
Chronothermostat Complete Wall Kit Kit Consisting Of 1 Radio Chronothermostat 1tx Crtx05 1 Radio Receiver 1 Wall Zone 1tx Rx01/p The Chronothermostat Regulates Time Profiles And Temperature Sets Good And Economical Wall-mounted Chronothermostat
Perry-1TXCDS29WIFIPerry Builtin 230v Wifi Chronothermostat Color Built-in 230v Wifi Chronothermostat White Color. The New 1tx Cds29wifi Is An Advanced Device That Goes Well With Any Civilian Environment. All Thermoregulation Features And Settings Are Programmable By App. Keypad Lock.
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