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Weekly Annual Time Switch With Menu 1 Output Channel Mounting From Switchboard 2 Din Index Drigtal Current Menu Programming Mounting On Din Rail For Civil, Tertiary, Industrial Use Dimensions (wxdxh) 35 x 60 x 90 Perry 1io3091
Price List
Eur. 85,28
Price MPCshop
Eur. 65,64
215 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 5 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1IO3091
Power reserve in the event of a power failure 6 years from the first power on, guaranteed by lithium battery Languages available in Italian, English, German, French, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Greek, etc. Degree of protection IP20 Rated impulse voltage 4kV
Perry1io3091 Weekly Annual Time Switch With Menu 1 Output Channel Menu Programming Mounting On Din Rail For Civil Tertiary And Industrial Use
Customers Reviews Perry Perry-1IO3091
Annual weekly menu time switch 1 output channel Mounting from switchboard 2 DIN INDEX DRIGITAL TIME Programming menu mounting on DIN rail for civil use, tertiary, industrial Dimensions (WxDxH) 35 x 60 x 90 Perry 1IO3091
the digital time switch is a daily or weekly programming clock with the possibility of entering even an annual period, which allows the automatic switching of different loads (single-channel or two-channel) according to a time schedule flexible enough to predict or exclude their activation (ideal for use in domestic buildings, industrial buildings, schools, offices, public places, etc.).), is also equipped with input(s) for remote activation and a specific slot for the key EMD (External Memory Device) you can save / copy or read one or more programs on different time switches of the same model through a special memory key. The models that can be connected with time signal receivers: type DCF77 or GPS allow an always optimal time synchronization precision
MAIN FEATURES of the annual time switch Annual weekly time switch with 1 channel menu - 2 DIN, 64 ON-OFF programs, Zero Crossing, backlit displayPower supply voltage 230V c.a. 50 - 60Hz Nominal contact data Limited current NO contact ZERO CROSSING 16(10) A / 250V AC Max program number (ON-OFF) 64 (can be coupled in blocks of days) Minimum insertion time ON - OFF 1 second LCD display 1" 1/3 backlit Minimum switchable power max. 3500 VA (for single contact) Power: LP incandescence 2300 W Power: LP fluorescent tubes not compensated 1000 W Power: LP fluorescent tubes competed. in parallel 500W (total capacity 70 microF) Power: LP compact fluorescent 600W max cross-section of cables at terminals 6 mmq Protection class (IP) IP20 - IP40 (rear panel) Output type of captive screw terminals Insulation class II Relay signalling ON / OFF ON / OFF on LCD display Charge reserve 6 years LITH battery reserve type Time tolerance - 0.5 sec/day Operating temperature limits 0°C 50°C Storage temperature -10°C 65°C Type of installation on DIN rail / back-of-panel Thermoplastic casing - grey RAL 7035 Tertiary / industrial use Controls on board multifunction keys (menu programming) confirmation key Precision setting of digital clock for hours / minutes Automatic daylight saving time change Menu programming - protected programs in EEPROM Dimensions (WxDxH) 35 x 60 x 90 mm
TECHNICAL DATA Power supply voltage 230 V c.a. /- 10r>Frequency 50-60 Hz Protection class IP20 Output type Potential-free change-over relay - N.O. contact = 16(10)A / 250V (limited current with high value Zero Crossing Resistance) - N.C. contact.C. = 16(2)A / 250V Section of cables at terminals 1...6mm² Charge reserve in the event of a power failure 6 years after the first power-on, guaranteed by lithium battery Rated impulse voltage 4kV Software class A Precision of operation / 0.5 sec/day at 25 °C Absorption/Self-consumption 6.5 VA single-channel / 7.8 VA two-channel Type of insulation class II Normal pollution degree Installation of DIN rail - rear panel (with optional KIT) Operation temperature from 0 °C to 50 °C Storage temperature from -10 °C to 65 °C Normally marked CE LVD/EMC EN60730-2-7 Languages available in the Italian luminaire, English, German, French, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Greek
Perry 1IO3091 weekly annual time switch and menu Perry 1IO3091
Weekly Annual Time Switch With Menu 1 Output Channel Mounting From Switchboard 2 Din Index Drigtal Current Menu Programming Mounting On Din Rail For Civil, Tertiary, Industrial Use Dimensions (wxdxh) 35 x 60 x 90 Perry 1io3091
Price List
Eur. 85,28
Price MPCshop
Eur. 65,64
215 Pcs Estimated Delivery in 5 working days
All prices are VAT included
Bullet points Perry Perry-1IO3091
Power reserve in the event of a power failure 6 years from the first power on, guaranteed by lithium battery Languages available in Italian, English, German, French, Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Greek, etc. Degree of protection IP20 Rated impulse voltage 4kV
Interruttore orario settimanale annuale a menù 1 canale di uscita Montaggio da quadro 2 DIN INTERRUTTORE ORARIO DIGITALE Programmazione a menu montaggio su barra DIN per uso civile, terziario, industriale Dimensioni (LxPxH) 35 x 60 x 90 Perry 1IO3091
l’interruttore digitale orario è un orologio di programmazione giornaliero o settimanale con possibilità di inserire anche un periodo annuale, che consente la commutazione automatica di diversi carichi (monocanale o bicanale) in base a una programmazione temporale sufficientemente flessibile da prevederne o escluderne l’attivazione (ideale utilizzo in edifici domestici, industriali, scuole, uffici, luoghi pubblici, ecc.), inoltre è dotato di ingresso/i per l’attivazione da remoto e uno specifico Slot per l’nserimento della chiave EMD (Dispositivo Memoria Esterna) è possibile salvare/copiare o leggere uno o più programmi su diversi interruttori orari dello stesso modello tramite apposita chiave di memoria. I modelli collegabili con ricevitori di segnale orario: tipo DCF77 o GPS permettono una precisione della sincronizzazione oraria sempre ottimale
CARATTERISTICHE PRINCIPALI dell' interruttore orario annuale Interruttore orario settimanale annuale a menù 1 canale - 2 DIN, 64 programmi ON-OFF, Zero Crossing, display retroilluminatoTensione di alimentazione 230V c.a. 50 - 60Hz Dati nominali contatti Contatto NA a corrente limitata ZERO CROSSING 16(10) A / 250V c.a. Numero programmi max (ON-OFF) 64 (accoppiabili in blocchi di giorni) Tempo di inserzione minimo ON – OFF 1 secondo Visualizzazioni display LCD 1” 1/3 retroilluminato Potenza commutabile max. 3500 VA (per singolo contatto) Potenza: LP incandescenza 2300 W Potenza: LP tubi fluorescenti non compensato 1000 W Potenza: LP tubi fluorescenti compe. in parallelo 500W (capacità tot 70 microF) Potenza: LP fluorescenti compatte 600W Sezione max dei cavi ai morsetti 6 mmq Grado di protezione (IP) IP20 - IP40 (a retroquadro) Tipo di uscita morsetti a vite imperdibile Classe di isolamento II Segnalazione relè ON / OFF ON / OFF su display LCD Riserva di carica 6 anni Tipo di riserva pila LITIO Tolleranza sul tempo + - 0.5 sec/giorno Limiti di temperatura di funzionamento 0°C +50°C Temperatura di stoccaggio -10°C +65°C Tipo installazione su guida DIN / a retroquadro Involucro termoplastico - grigio RAL 7035 Tipo uso civile / terziario / industriale Comandi a bordo tasti multifunzione (programmazione a menù) tasto conferma Precisione impostazione orologio digitale per ore / minuti Cambio ora legale automatico Programmazione a menù - programmi protetti in EEPROM Dimensioni (LxPxH) 35 x 60 x 90 mm
DATI TECNICI Tensione alimentazione 230 V c.a. +/- 10% Frequenza 50-60 Hz Grado di protezione IP20 Tipo di uscita Relè a contatto in scambio libero da potenziale - contatto N.O. = 16(10)A / 250V (a corrente limitata con Resistenza per Zero Crossing di elevato valore) - contatto N.C. = 16(2)A / 250V Sezione dei cavi ai morsetti 1...6mm² Riserva di carica in caso di mancanza rete 6 anni dalla prima accensione, garantita da pila al litio Tensione impulsiva nominale 4kV Software classe A Precisione di funzionamento +/ 0,5 sec/gg a 25 °C Assorbimento/Autoconsumo 6.5 VA monocanale / 7.8 VA bicanale Tipo di isolamento classe II Grado di inquinamento normale Installazione barra DIN - a retroquadro (con KIT in opzione) Temperatura funzionamento da 0 °C a +50 °C Temperatura stoccaggio da -10 °C a +65 °C Normativa marcata CE LVD/EMC EN60730-2-7 Lingue disponibili nell’apparecchio Italiano, Inglese, Tedesco, Francese, Spagnolo, Svedese, Portoghese, Olandese, Russo, Polacco, Greco
Perry 1IO3091 weekly annual time switch and menu Perry 1IO3091
Programming Software Model 1iosw001 Allows You To Program From a Computer Programs Once Created Can Be Printed Saved To Files Sent By E-mail Or Transferred To Time Switches Using The Memory Key Emd01
Programming Software Model 1iosw001 Allows You To Program From a Computer Programs Once Created Can Be Printed Saved To Files Sent By E-mail Or Transferred To Time Switches Using The Memory Key Emd01
Astronomical Twilight Time Switch Astro-lux-time Calendar Year, Month, Day, Hour And Minute Backlit Display In White Hinged And Sealed Glass 45 Programs Replaceable Lithium Battery Without Disassembling The Product 1 Channel
Astronomical Twilight Time Switch Astro-lux-time Calendar Year, Month, Day, Hour And Minute Backlit Display In White Hinged And Sealed Glass 45 Programs Replaceable Lithium Battery Without Disassembling The Product 2 Channels
Perry 1io3090 Daily Annual Time Switch 1 Channel - 2 Din Daily Time Switch 1 Channel - 2 Din, 64 On-off Programs, Zero Crossing, Backlit Display For Perfect Visibility In All Conditions
Weekly 2-channel Menu Time Switch - Minimum Trip: 1 Second Memory Capacity: 64 Programs On-off Power Reserve: 6 Years Thanks To Lithium Battery, Relay Drive With Zero Crossing Logic, Backlit Display
Weekly Annual Menu Time Switch 1 Channel With Programming Key Synchronized With Dcf And/or Gps Time Signal - 2 Din 64 Programs On-off, Zero Crossing, Perry-1io5091s Backlit Display
Weekly Annual Time Switch With 2 Channel Menu, With Programming Key That Can Be Synchronised With Dcf And/or Gps Time Signal - 2 Din 64 Programs On-off, Zero Crossing, Perry-1io5291s Backlit Display
Digital Daily Time Switch Without Daylight Saving Time Change - 2 Din Backlit Displays, Minimum Programming Time 1 Second, Power Reserve 15 Days, Protective Glass, Simplified Programming Perry-1io6080
Digital Weekly Time Switch Without Daylight Saving Time Change - 2 Din Backlit Displays, Minimum Programming Time 1 Second, Power Reserve 15 Days, Protective Glass, Simplified Programming Perry-1io6081
Digital Daily Time Switch With 1-channel - 2-din Daylight Saving Time Change, Backlit Display, Minimum 1-second Programming, 15-day Power Reserve, Protective Glass, Simplified Programming Perry-1io7080
Digital Weekly Time Switch With 1-channel - 2-din Daylight Saving Time Change, Backlit Display, Minimum 1-second Programming, 15-day Power Reserve, Protective Glass, Simplified Programming Perry-1io7081
Digital Weekly Time Switch With Daylight Saving Time Change 2 Channels - 2 Din Backlit Displays, Minimum Programming 1 Second, Power Reserve 15 Days, Protective Glass, Simplified Programming Perry-1io7281
Digital Time Switch Perry 1io 0024/d15 With Weekly Horsemen With Power Reserve Max 15 Days 2 Din 1 Contact In Free Deviation On/off Minimum 15 Minutes Mounting On Wall And On Din Bar And On The Back Panel With Special Optional Accessory
Digital Time Switch Perry 1io 0022/d15 With Daily Horsemen With Power Reserve Max 15 Days 2 Din 1 Contact In Free Deviation On/off Minimum 15 Minutes Mounting On Wall And Din Rail And On The Back Panel With Special Optional Accessory
Interruttore Orario Giornaliero Digitale Con Cambio Ora Legale Automatico 1 Din Possibilità Di Programmare N. 96 Interventi On/off Tasti Di Programmazione Ben Identificabili e Manovrabili Sul Frontale Del Prodotto Perry 1io0070
Interruttore Orario Digitale Perry 1io 1071 Con Cambio Automatico Ora Legale 1 Din Programma Settimanale 1 Contatto In Deviazione Libero On/off Minimo 15 Minuti Montaggio Su Barra Din
Digital Time Switch With Perry 1io Display 0012d15 Knights 72x72 Wall Mounting Can Be Mounted On The Back Panel With Optional Accessory Sg001 Daily Program 1 Circuit 1 Contact In Free Diversion On/off 15 Minutes
Digital Time Switch With Perry 1io Display 0016d15 Knights 72x72 Wall Mounting Mountable On The Back Panel With Optional Accessory Sg001 Weekly Program 1 Circuit 1 Contact In Free Diversion On/off 15 Minutes
Astronomical Twilight Time Switch Astro-lux-time Calendar Year, Month, Day, Hour And Minute Backlit Display In White Hinged And Sealed Glass 45 Programs Replaceable Lithium Battery Without Disassembling The Product 1 Channel
Astronomical Twilight Time Switch Astro-lux-time Calendar Year, Month, Day, Hour And Minute Backlit Display In White Hinged And Sealed Glass 45 Programs Replaceable Lithium Battery Without Disassembling The Product 2 Channels
Perry 1io3090 Daily Annual Time Switch 1 Channel - 2 Din Daily Time Switch 1 Channel - 2 Din, 64 On-off Programs, Zero Crossing, Backlit Display For Perfect Visibility In All Conditions
Weekly 2-channel Menu Time Switch - Minimum Trip: 1 Second Memory Capacity: 64 Programs On-off Power Reserve: 6 Years Thanks To Lithium Battery, Relay Drive With Zero Crossing Logic, Backlit Display
Weekly Annual Menu Time Switch 1 Channel With Programming Key Synchronized With Dcf And/or Gps Time Signal - 2 Din 64 Programs On-off, Zero Crossing, Perry-1io5091s Backlit Display
Weekly Annual Time Switch With 2 Channel Menu, With Programming Key That Can Be Synchronised With Dcf And/or Gps Time Signal - 2 Din 64 Programs On-off, Zero Crossing, Perry-1io5291s Backlit Display
Digital Daily Time Switch Without Daylight Saving Time Change - 2 Din Backlit Displays, Minimum Programming Time 1 Second, Power Reserve 15 Days, Protective Glass, Simplified Programming Perry-1io6080
Digital Weekly Time Switch Without Daylight Saving Time Change - 2 Din Backlit Displays, Minimum Programming Time 1 Second, Power Reserve 15 Days, Protective Glass, Simplified Programming Perry-1io6081
Digital Daily Time Switch With 1-channel - 2-din Daylight Saving Time Change, Backlit Display, Minimum 1-second Programming, 15-day Power Reserve, Protective Glass, Simplified Programming Perry-1io7080
Digital Weekly Time Switch With 1-channel - 2-din Daylight Saving Time Change, Backlit Display, Minimum 1-second Programming, 15-day Power Reserve, Protective Glass, Simplified Programming Perry-1io7081
Digital Weekly Time Switch With Daylight Saving Time Change 2 Channels - 2 Din Backlit Displays, Minimum Programming 1 Second, Power Reserve 15 Days, Protective Glass, Simplified Programming Perry-1io7281
Digital Time Switch Perry 1io 0024/d15 With Weekly Horsemen With Power Reserve Max 15 Days 2 Din 1 Contact In Free Deviation On/off Minimum 15 Minutes Mounting On Wall And On Din Bar And On The Back Panel With Special Optional Accessory
Digital Time Switch Perry 1io 0022/d15 With Daily Horsemen With Power Reserve Max 15 Days 2 Din 1 Contact In Free Deviation On/off Minimum 15 Minutes Mounting On Wall And Din Rail And On The Back Panel With Special Optional Accessory
Interruttore Orario Giornaliero Digitale Con Cambio Ora Legale Automatico 1 Din Possibilità Di Programmare N. 96 Interventi On/off Tasti Di Programmazione Ben Identificabili e Manovrabili Sul Frontale Del Prodotto Perry 1io0070
Interruttore Orario Digitale Perry 1io 1071 Con Cambio Automatico Ora Legale 1 Din Programma Settimanale 1 Contatto In Deviazione Libero On/off Minimo 15 Minuti Montaggio Su Barra Din
Digital Time Switch With Perry 1io Display 0012d15 Knights 72x72 Wall Mounting Can Be Mounted On The Back Panel With Optional Accessory Sg001 Daily Program 1 Circuit 1 Contact In Free Diversion On/off 15 Minutes
Digital Time Switch With Perry 1io Display 0016d15 Knights 72x72 Wall Mounting Mountable On The Back Panel With Optional Accessory Sg001 Weekly Program 1 Circuit 1 Contact In Free Diversion On/off 15 Minutes
Perry-1IO3091Perry Annual Weekly Time Switch Weekly Annual Time Switch With Menu 1 Output Channel Mounting From Switchboard 2 Din Index Drigtal Current Menu Programming Mounting On Din Rail For Civil, Tertiary, Industrial Use Dimensions (wxdxh) 35 x 60 x 90 Perry 1io3091 white
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